Top Picks for New Players: Battlefield 2042 Beginner Weapon Loadouts

Discover the essential starter weapon loadouts for Battlefield 2042 to kickstart your gameplay.
Top Picks for New Players: Battlefield 2042 Beginner Weapon Loadouts


  • Learn about the best entry-level weapon loadouts for beginners in Battlefield 2042
  • Explore the weapon choices and tactics for Assault, Engineer, Support, and Recon classes
  • Equip yourself with the right gear to dominate the battlefield from the start

Battlefield 2042 underwent a renaissance with the launch of Season 6: Dark Creations, introducing a plethora of new weapons, vehicles, skins, and maps. This season witnessed a surge in player numbers on Steam, signaling a resurgence in the game's popularity.

Initially marred by design flaws and technical issues, Battlefield 2042 has undergone significant improvements through patches, drawing back many players. Now stable and bustling with online activity, the game offers a fresh experience worth trying. Here are the top weapon loadouts for beginners to get a head start.

Updated: April 22, 2024 by Waseem Muhammad: The latest season of Battlefield 2042, Turning Point, has brought exciting new additions for players to explore, maintaining the franchise's reputation for immersive multiplayer gameplay on dynamic maps.

Battlefield games have spanned various combat eras, from futuristic settings to historical conflicts, each adding depth to the gameplay experience. The recent update has enriched the existing content with additional details and tweaks.

1 Assault

Mastering Frontline Combat with Explosive Tactics

  • Start with the versatile M5A3 and SFAR-M GL Assault Rifles
  • Each Assault specialist offers a unique playstyle with distinct gadgets
  • Utilize Med-Pen and IBA Armor for extended combat survivability

The Assault class dominates the game, featuring specialists like Sundance, Dozer, Mackay, and Zain. Sundance, an ideal entry-level choice, wields the Smart Explosive grenade that fragments into mini explosives, or homes in on vehicles. Her Wingsuit trait replaces the parachute, offering aerial mobility. Zain, with the Airburst Rifle, excels at clearing out camping enemies.

Assault's primary Weapon Proficiency lies in Assault Rifles, granting extra magazine capacity. The M5A3 is a reliable starting rifle, boasting low recoil and effectiveness across ranges. Unlocking the Fusion Hold sight enhances close-quarter combat. Complementing gear includes the G57 secondary weapon and tactical choices like Smoke Grenades and IBA Armor Plate.

2 Engineer

Expertise in Vehicle Control and Anti-Armor Tactics

  • Equip the Repair Tool for tank support and infantry damage
  • LCMG and M240B offer high magazine capacity and destructive power
  • Use the Recoilless M5 to counter airborne threats

Engineers rely on the Repair Tool for vehicle maintenance and combat versatility. Specialists like Boris, Crawford, and Lis bring unique abilities to the class. Boris' SG-36 Sentry Gun may not deal high damage but excels at marking targets and engaging vehicles. Crawford suits close-quarter combat and control point defense.

Weapon Proficiency in LMGs enhances accuracy while crouched. The LCMG offers a stable starting option with a large magazine capacity. Improving grips and attachments through kills optimizes mid-range performance. The Recoilless M5 gadget targets armored vehicles and aircraft, supported by Frag Grenades for infantry encounters.

3 Support

Vital Team Support for Sustained Combat Success

  • Provide healing and ammunition support with stations and crates
  • Utilize Smoke Grenades for strategic revives
  • Opt for fast-firing SMGs like PP-29 and PBX-45 for swift engagements

Support players offer critical assistance through ammunition supply, revives using the Defibrillator, and point control. Specialists like Falck, with the S21 Syrette Pistol for healing and combat revives, excel in team sustainability. The Combat Surgeon trait ensures full-health revives, turning the tide in battles.

SMG Weapon Proficiency enables swift weapon draw, with options like PBX-45 and PP-29 for rapid engagements. Tactical choices include Smoke Grenade Launcher, Ammo Crates, and the versatile Champion Muzzle Brake for recoil control.

4 Recon

Strategic Support and Target Acquisition from Afar

  • Scan and mark targets for allies with Recon's specialized abilities
  • Opt for versatile sniping options like SWS-10 and Gol Magnum Sniper
  • Use Insertion Beacons for tactical spawn points near objectives

Casper emerges as the top choice for Recon gameplay, leveraging the OV-P Recon Drone for target spotting and disruption. The Movement Sensor trait provides early warnings of enemy approach, offering a tactical advantage. Paik is a viable solo option with wall-penetrating sensors for precise enemy tracking.

Sniper Rifle Weapon Proficiency offers steady aiming with rifles like SWS-10, renowned for versatility and high fire rate. Attachments like the M11 6X Sight and ADR Bipod enhance performance across ranges. Gadget choices include the Insertion Beacon for strategic spawns and the Tracer Dart Gun for targeting enemy vehicles.