Batman: Arkham Knight – Top Gadgets for Crime Fighting

Batman relies on his array of high-tech gadgets to defeat Scarecrow and restore peace in Gotham City in Batman: Arkham Knight.
Batman: Arkham Knight – Top Gadgets for Crime Fighting


  • Discover the top gadgets in Batman: Arkham Knight that enhance combat and puzzle-solving abilities.
  • Essential gadgets like the Line Launcher and Voice Synthesizer play key roles in stealth takedowns and enemy manipulation.
  • The Batclaw stands out as Batman's most crucial gadget, aiding in both navigation and combat scenarios.

When Gotham City is threatened by Scarecrow's chaos, Batman must rise to the challenge armed with the finest gadgets in Batman: Arkham Knight. In his toughest battle yet, these gadgets are his lifeline.

The top gadgets in Batman: Arkham Knight serve multiple purposes, elevating combat strategies and puzzle-solving techniques essential for overcoming Riddler's challenges. From instilling fear in enemies to collecting valuable trophies, these tools are indispensable.

10 Line Launcher

Strategic Tool for Stealth Takedowns

The Line Launcher, a staple in Batman's gear since Arkham Asylum, helps create advantageous positions for stealth eliminations. Its utility shines in situations demanding covert approaches.

While useful, the Line Launcher is situational, often overshadowed by alternative perching spots available to players in stealth encounters.

9 Remote Hacking Device

Control Electronic Systems

Replacing the Cryptographic Sequencer, the Remote Hacking Device empowers Batman to manipulate electronic locks and disrupt enemy equipment, offering tactical advantages in various scenarios.

Primarily designed for stealth missions and puzzle resolutions, the Remote Hacking Device excels in specific situations but can be optional in combat.

8 Voice Synthesizer

Impersonate to Influence Enemies

The Voice Synthesizer, akin to a strategic tool, allows Batman to mimic voices and manipulate adversaries, creating diversions or directing enemy movements to his advantage.

While effective in stealth operations and aiding in puzzle solutions, the Voice Synthesizer's true potential shines when Batman can leverage elevated vantage points.

7 Disruptor

Neutralize Weaponry & Disable Devices

The Disruptor offers players the ability to selectively incapacitate foes by disabling firearms and sabotaging equipment, providing a strategic edge in stealth engagements.

While versatile, the Disruptor's effectiveness diminishes when employed haphazardly in the midst of intense combat scenarios.

6 Explosive Gel

Destructive Tool for Obstacles & Distractions

The Explosive Gel, a versatile gadget, aids Batman in disrupting enemy movements by creating explosive distractions, offering crucial moments of respite during overwhelming combat scenarios.

Effective for disorienting adversaries and controlling the pace of battle, the Explosive Gel proves invaluable in managing chaotic encounters.

5 Smoke Pellets

Obscure Visibility for Tactical Escapes

Equipping Batman with a tactical advantage, Smoke Pellets provide swift cover for evasive maneuvers, allowing Batman to reposition or execute surprise attacks amidst obscured enemy vision.

Crucial for evading detection and executing quick subdues, Smoke Pellets offer strategic flexibility in challenging engagements.

4 Remote Electrical Charge

Electrifying Tool for Crowd Control

The Remote Electrical Charge, a versatile instrument, empowers Batman to stun adversaries and disrupt electronic systems, providing tactical advantages in combat situations and environmental puzzles.

Effective for incapacitating foes and altering battlefield dynamics, the Remote Electrical Charge proves instrumental in managing diverse enemy threats.

3 Freeze Blast

Cryogenic Arsenal for Crowd Control

The Freeze Blast, inspired by Mister Freeze's technology, enables Batman to immobilize foes temporarily, granting him the upper hand in chaotic melees and strategic standoffs.

Strategic deployment of the Freeze Blast can stall enemy advances and create openings for decisive counterattacks, proving invaluable in dire combat scenarios.

2 Batarangs

Swift Tool for Subduing Enemies

The iconic Batarangs, a signature component of Batman's arsenal, offer swift incapacitation of adversaries, allowing Batman to maintain control over engagements and neutralize threats effectively.

Empowering Batman with rapid incapacitation capabilities, Batarangs prove invaluable in countering aggressive foes and maintaining the upper hand in dynamic combat scenarios.

1 Batclaw

Versatile Tool for Maneuvering & Combat

The Batclaw, Batman's indispensable grappling device, serves as a pivotal tool for traversing Gotham's skyline and executing swift, punishing attacks in close quarters combat.

Essential for both navigation and combat scenarios, the Batclaw enables Batman to control engagements by swiftly closing distances and capitalizing on enemy vulnerabilities, ensuring his dominance in the battle against crime.