Unveiling the Significance of Scourges in Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden

In the world of Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden, Scourges play a pivotal role, offering challenges and rewards to players.
Unveiling the Significance of Scourges in Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden


  • Discover how Scourges in Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden provide unique combat scenarios and valuable upgrades.
  • Uncover the dark lore behind haunting spirits, unraveling tales of betrayal and sacrifice in the world of New Eden.
  • Harness the power of Scourge summonings to boost stats and acquire essential upgrades for conquering late-game obstacles.

Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden is an exciting action RPG developed by Don't Nod, weaving an interactive narrative set in a supernatural realm. The game follows the journey of Banishers Antea and Red tasked with investigating eerie occurrences in New Eden, a settlement plagued by malevolent spirits. Among the various spectral adversaries encountered, one stands out - the Scourge, a formidable entity tied to tragic events. While engaging with Scourges is optional, these foes present both risks and rewards for daring players.

In their quest within New Eden, Antea and Red delve into the mysteries surrounding the settlement's hauntings, exploring not only the spirits tormenting its inhabitants but also encountering vengeful entities in surrounding areas. Particularly powerful spirits, known as Scourges, lurk in locations marked by profound loss, demanding a special summoning ritual for engagement, leading to intense confrontations.

Unraveling the Origins of Scourges in New Eden

As players venture to the Hunter's Camp in the Dark Woods, they confront rumors of a fearsome Beast linked to the settlers' disappearance. Despite initial skepticism from the camp's leaders, Antea and Red pursue the truth behind the Beast's involvement in the settlers' fate. The revelation of the Beast's true nature sheds light on the Newsmiths' past actions, intertwining their deeds with the pervasive curse haunting New Eden.

The Beast's identity as the amalgamation of slain settlers reveals a harrowing tale of betrayal orchestrated by Thickskin Newsmith. By distributing fatal whistles to the settlers, Thickskin orchestrated their demise, transforming their anguished spirits into the Scourge entities haunting New Eden. Players must uncover the settlers' misdeeds to understand the curse's origins, central to the narrative of Banishers.

Challenging Encounters and Valuable Rewards

After confronting the Beast, players face subsequent Scourges in optional boss battles, each presenting distinct combat mechanics. These Scourge encounters, unlocked post-Beast defeat, require summoning rituals at sites brimming with potent spiritual energy, necessitating item collections and revisits to these locations.

Triumphing over a Scourge yields a Scourge Accretion, a rare upgrade material vital for enhancing weaponry, gear, and character attributes. Moreover, players receive stat boosts, enhancing combat prowess and survivability crucial for overcoming late-game hurdles. Conquering these challenges fortifies Antea and Red, optimizing their capabilities for the ultimate confrontation with the Nightmare and the salvation of New Eden.