Baldur's Gate 3: Spells to Steer Clear of as a Wizard

Discover which spells Wizards in Baldur's Gate 3 should skip to optimize their magical potential.
Baldur's Gate 3: Spells to Steer Clear of as a Wizard


  • Witch Bolt loses effectiveness quickly, making it a poor choice for Wizards.
  • Protection From Energy can be a waste without prior enemy knowledge.
  • Hypnotic Pattern's nerf in Baldur's Gate 3 reduces its crowd control impact.

Guiding the party with knowledge and magic, Wizards in Baldur's Gate 3 possess a vast array of spells. However, not all spells are created equal, and some are best left unused. Despite initial appeal, spells like Barkskin may falter under scrutiny, prompting Wizards to opt for more potent alternatives.

Identifying spells that may underperform in combat is crucial for Wizard success in Baldur's Gate 3.

1 Witch Bolt

Swift Decline in Effectiveness

  • Early Game Spell
  • Limited Damage Output
  • Requires Concentration

Initially appealing, Witch Bolt's allure fades rapidly as gameplay progresses. While offering a 1d12 lightning damage bolt on hit, its utility diminishes with higher spell availability. Even upcasting fails to sustain its impact, making it a poor investment of valuable spell slots.

2 Protection From Energy

Inefficient Without Prior Planning

  • Third Level Spell
  • Suboptimal Action Economy
  • Requires Concentration

While promising resistance to specific damage types, Protection From Energy demands precise enemy knowledge for effective use. Its situational nature often leads to wasted spell slots and subpar combat decisions due to its concentration requirement.

3 Hypnotic Pattern

Diminished Crowd Control Efficacy

  • Third Level Spell
  • Short Duration
  • Requires Concentration

Once a staple crowd control spell, Hypnotic Pattern's potency has been curtailed in Baldur's Gate 3. With a reduced duration, its impact on combat encounters is significantly limited, affecting its overall strategic value.