Baldur’s Gate 3: Discover Where to Purchase a Custom Statue For Your Camp

Find out where to buy a custom statue for your camp in Baldur's Gate 3 and enhance your gaming experience.
Baldur’s Gate 3: Discover Where to Purchase a Custom Statue For Your Camp


  • Locate the Circus of the Last Days in Rivington
  • Find Boney & Stoney for statue customization options
  • Decide whether buying a statue is worth the investment

Baldur's Gate 3 provides you with the ability to rest at your camp, restoring health and spells. These campsites evolve as you progress through different areas and acquire new companions. Your camp can also host merchants and offer temporary buffs. In Act 3, your party relocates to the small town of Rivington on the edges of Baldur's Gate, setting the stage for challenging battles ahead. This phase presents an opportunity to acquire a personalized statue for a significant sum of gold. Here's a guide to help you locate the statue vendor and understand the advantages it brings.

Explore the Circus of the Last Days

The Circus of the Last Days, positioned in Rivington, hosts a unique circus experience. Located on the left side of the main town road, the circus is overseen by Benji, a sentinel at the entrance. Overcome a skill challenge or pay 200 gold to gain access to the vibrant circus environment.

Discover Boney & Stoney's Spot

Boney and Stoney, the key figures for statue customization, operate from a tent situated in the southwestern corner of the circus.

The Circus of the Last Days, known for its dimensional travels, hosts a variety of shops and performances. Boney, a friendly Mud Mephit, and his wife Stoney, an Elemental, manage Stoney and Boney's Bespoke Creations. Locate them precisely at coordinates (X:88, Y-71).

Evaluating the Statue Purchase

Stoney offers to craft a customized statue for 5000 gold. Investing in a camp statue can prove advantageous if you possess the required gold. Various customization options are available, including attire selection such as armor, camp gear, or even a nude depiction.

Engaging with Boney using a different character allows you to acquire a statue resembling them. Note that the armored version includes helmets, albeit concealed. If you wish to see the character's face sculpted accurately, remove the helmets. Once the purchase is made, there's no way to reclaim your 5000 gold through thievery.

The acquired statue will be automatically positioned in your camp, offering the Sweet Stone Features bonus. This confers a permanent +1d4 boost to attack rolls and saving throws for the character the statue portrays.