Crafting a Special Character in Baldur's Gate 3 Inspired by Ahsoka Tano

Exploring how one creative player in Baldur's Gate 3 brought the essence of Ahsoka Tano from Star Wars into the game's character creation.
Crafting a Special Character in Baldur's Gate 3 Inspired by Ahsoka Tano


  • A player in Baldur's Gate 3 ingeniously reimagines Tav as Ahsoka Tano from Star Wars.
  • The recreated character faithfully captures Ahsoka's iconic features, including her facial markings and lekku.
  • Community discussions spark imaginative ideas on translating the Ahsoka Tano build into a fully playable character in Baldur's Gate 3.

One imaginative player in Baldur's Gate 3 has utilized the game's robust character customization to fashion a main character inspired by Ahsoka Tano from the Star Wars universe. While it's always thrilling to craft an original protagonist in Baldur's Gate 3, witnessing characters from other realms recreated within the game adds an extra layer of excitement.

Larian Studios' Baldur's Gate 3 boasts an exceptionally detailed character creation system, providing a myriad of options for players to tailor the appearance and abilities of their character. The customization options seem endless, with players often spending hours meticulously designing their ideal avatar. The community humorously acknowledges the significant time spent in the character creator, with instances like a player constructing an Aang build from Avatar, underscoring the diverse range of possible character builds.

Shared on Reddit by Gryzbowski on behalf of a friend, the remarkable Ahsoka Tano build garnered attention, with the creator, space-pirate96, engaging in discussions about the design. The character mirrors Ahsoka's distinctive white facial patterns and cleverly incorporates white and blue hair accents to mimic Tano's lekku. The resemblance to Rosario Dawson's portrayal is striking, needing only a Baldur's Gate 3 lightsaber mod to be complete.

Baldur's Gate 3 Ahsoka Tano Build

While the Ahsoka Tano build remains a work in progress, speculations within the community explore potential character builds for Ahsoka Tav. Suggestions range from an Eldritch Knight build suitable for a Jedi, to a dual-wielding approach tailored specifically for Ahsoka. Additionally, a Monk following the Way of the Four Elements subclass could provide access to spells like Thunderwave, mimicking Force Push. The flexibility of Baldur's Gate 3 allows for diverse build possibilities that promise an engaging gameplay experience.

As players continue to experiment with unconventional character builds in Baldur's Gate 3, Larian Studios has shifted its focus to new projects, signaling a fresh chapter for the studio. Despite moving on from the game and franchise, Larian remains dedicated to its upcoming titles, currently in early stages of development. With Baldur's Gate 3, Larian has set a remarkable benchmark for itself, leaving fans eager to see what future endeavors will bring.