The Dilemma in Baldur’s Gate 3: To Save or Kill Mizora?

Exploring the moral choice surrounding Mizora's fate in BG3
The Dilemma in Baldur’s Gate 3: To Save or Kill Mizora?


  • Who is Mizora and her significance in the game
  • Locations to find Mizora in Act 2 of Baldur's Gate 3
  • Consequences of saving or killing Mizora

Baldur’s Gate 3 introduces players to a diverse cast of intriguing characters. Among them, Mizora, the enigmatic patron of Wyll, stands out. As the narrative unfolds in Act 2, Mizora finds herself imprisoned, presenting players with a pivotal decision: to save her or to condemn her to death.

Unraveling Mizora's Identity

Encountered early in the game, Mizora is intricately linked to Wyll's journey. Her fate intertwines with Wyll’s, shaped by player choices like sparing or slaying Karlach in Act 1. Each decision sets off a chain of events with far-reaching consequences.

Locating Mizora in Act 2

Transitioning into Act 2, players embark on a mission to confront Ketheric Thorm at Moonrise Towers. Amidst this pursuit, Mizora’s plea for rescue emerges, revealing her true identity as a crucial asset to Zariel. The player’s choice here not only impacts Wyll but also steers the course of the game.

The Moral Dilemma: Save or Sacrifice

As players stand before Mizora's pod, a weighty decision looms. By opting to save her, players can release Wyll from his pact with Mizora. Conversely, choosing to end her life alters the game's trajectory significantly.

Strategies for Saving Mizora

To liberate Mizora, players must employ strength or intellect. Breaking the pod demands a display of strength, while deciphering Illithid symbols on the control pad requires passing an Arcana check. Choosing the correct device is paramount to ensuring Mizora's survival.

Options for Ending Mizora's Life

For players indifferent to Wyll’s fate, a path of indifference leads to Mizora's demise. By ignoring her plea or activating the 'Annihilate' device, players seal Mizora's fate, sending Wyll to Avernus.

Ripple Effects of Choices

The repercussions of saving or sacrificing Mizora reverberate throughout the game. Saving her not only alters Wyll’s journey but also unlocks potential quests and narrative arcs. Whether players opt for redemption or retribution, each choice shapes the evolving tale of Baldur’s Gate 3.

Embark on this ethical quandary in Baldur’s Gate 3 now available on PC, Xbox, and PlayStation 5.