Solving Nettie's Puzzle in Baldur’s Gate 3

Discover the steps to successfully tackle Nettie's puzzle in BG3.
Solving Nettie's Puzzle in Baldur’s Gate 3


  • Accessing Nettie’s Library
  • Navigating the Puzzle Inside the Library
  • Obtaining the Wolf Rune and Completing the Puzzle

Baldur’s Gate 3 presents players with a myriad of challenges, each offering diverse solutions. Among these challenges are intricate puzzles, one of which is situated in Nettie’s library. This puzzle, involving runes, can prove to be a significant hurdle early on in the game.

Unlocking Nettie’s Library

Nettie’s library is easily reachable by first gaining access to the Emerald Grove. Defeating the goblin horde at the gate allows players to explore this area freely. In their quest to remove the parasite from their heads, players have several options, including seeking help from Healer Nettie or pursuing other avenues like the Githyanki Crèche or rescuing Halsin.

Nettie can be found in the hollow area of the Emerald Grove, inside the Druid’s Chambers. Approach her cautiously as she may attempt to poison players during conversation. Once the discussion concludes, she will lead players to the Enclave library where the puzzle awaits.

The Puzzle Within the Library

The library puzzle involves four animal-themed platforms, each bearing a matching rune except for one. The missing rune, a wolf rune, poses the main challenge.

Players must acquire the wolf rune from Rath, a character nearby. This task is not simple, as Rath is guarded by a direwolf and must be approached with caution.

Acquiring the Wolf Rune from Rath

Players have a few options to obtain the rune. They can attempt to pickpocket Rath using an invisibility potion and a character with high dexterity. Another extreme option is to eliminate the enemies in the Emerald Grove, which could lead to acquiring the rune from Rath’s body. Alternatively, saving Halsin will prompt Rath to offer the wolf rune as a gesture of gratitude.

Completing the Puzzle and Reaping Rewards

Inserting the wolf rune in its designated spot will open a staircase for players to descend. Below, they will discover various items, including Sorrow, a Druid Note, Jade, the Robe of Summer, and the Secret Society of the Sword Coast: Exposed.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is available for PC, Xbox, and PlayStation 5.