Deciding Nere's Fate in Baldur’s Gate 3: Save, Kill, or Let Him Die

Exploring the various choices players have with true soul Nere in BG3.
Deciding Nere's Fate in Baldur’s Gate 3: Save, Kill, or Let Him Die


  • Discovering Nere and His Situation in BG3
  • Choosing Nere's Fate: Save, Kill, or Let Him Die
  • Consequences of Siding with Nere or Elder Brithvar in BG3

Baldur’s Gate 3 offers gamers a plethora of challenges with outcomes shaped by their decisions, leading to diverse gameplay experiences. One such pivotal moment involves encountering a character named Nere, whose fate rests in the player's hands, influencing the game's narrative direction.

Upon stumbling upon Nere trapped under rubble, players face crucial choices that steer the story in different directions.

Encountering Nere and Locating Him

Nere, a Drow like the player and a true soul, is under the Absolute's control due to a parasite in his head. To find Nere, players must access the Underdark, reached from the Goblin camp via priestess Gut's guidance.

Upon reaching the Decrepit Village near the beach and an ancient Sigil circle, players encounter Gekh Coal, a Duergar, who provides passage to Grymforge, Nere's location. Securing the Sergeant’s stolen boots or confronting Gekh Coal are the options to board the boat to Grymforge.

Arriving at Grymforge, players witness Nere in dire straits.

Nere’s Predicament

Deep within Grymforge, Sergeant Thrinn informs players about Nere trapped under rubble, needing urgent aid. Time is of the essence as Nere faces death with prolonged inaction.

Deciding Nere's Fate

1. Letting Nere Perish

A passive choice is letting Nere die naturally under the rubble, leading to an abandoned Grymforge. Nere's telepathic pleas serve as warnings before his demise, offering opportunities for looting without a confrontation.

2. Rescuing or Eliminating Nere

To save or end Nere's life, players must demolish the rubble obstructing him. The process involves strategic steps like blinding the Absolute by destroying an eye and acquiring runepowder from Philomeen.

Upon freeing Nere with explosives, players face a pivotal decision to support Nere or Elder Brithvar, initiating distinct outcomes.

3. Aligning with Nere or Elder Brithvar

Choosing to ally with Nere prompts conflicts with Elder Brithvar, culminating in battles with varying difficulties. Opting for Nere's allegiance directs players towards a different narrative path compared to siding with Elder Brithvar.

Players must weigh the consequences of their choices on Nere and the overall gameplay experience in Baldur’s Gate 3.