Discovering He Who Was & Completing Punish the Wicked Quest in Baldur's Gate 3

Exploring the encounter with He Who Was, a Shadar-Kai, and engaging in the Punish the Wicked quest in Baldur's Gate 3.
Discovering He Who Was & Completing Punish the Wicked Quest in Baldur's Gate 3


  • Locate He Who Was in the Shadow-Cursed Lands during Act 2
  • Uncover Madeline's Ledger at the Waning Moon in Reithwin Town
  • Return the Ledger to He Who Was to trigger a ritual and determine the quest's outcome

In the immersive world of Baldur's Gate 3, a myriad of intriguing NPCs awaits players in each Act, offering quests that lead to valuable EXP and rewards.

Among these characters is He Who Was, a formidable Shadar-Kai found in Act 2's Shadow-Cursed Lands. He tasks players with the Punish the Wicked quest, promising significant EXP and loot upon completion. Knowing how to locate He Who Was, initiate the quest, and successfully finish it can greatly enhance your gameplay experience.

Locating He Who Was in Baldur's Gate 3

Before embarking on the search for He Who Was, ensure you've completed Act 1 of Baldur's Gate 3, including areas like the Underdark and Mountain Pass. This ensures you're adequately leveled and have tied up any loose ends or side quests.

In Act 2, locate He Who Was in the Shadow-Cursed Lands, slightly east of Last Light Inn. Follow the path through the hills, passing a deceased Shadow-Cursed raven to find him near his campsite. For precise guidance, refer to the map with his location marked by a red arrow at approximately X: 126, Y: 105.

Completing the Punish the Wicked Quest in Baldur's Gate 3

Upon reaching He Who Was, witness him using Speak With Dead on a summoning circle to communicate with a deceased woman. He reveals her treacherous nature and seeks justice, tasking you to retrieve Madeline's Ledger from the Waning Moon in Reithwin Town at X: -230, Y: -70.

Defeat Thisobald Thorm in combat or through skill checks at the Waning Moon to access Madeline's Ledger hidden under a loose plank behind the bar. A party member with high Wisdom should pass a Perception Check to find the plank. Consider bringing along Shadowheart, a Cleric with solid Wisdom.

Return the ledger to He Who Was to trigger a ritual enabling communication with Madeline. Your dialogue choices will determine the quest's outcome.

Raven Gloves

  • Summon Quothe the Raven (once per Short Rest): Call forth a Raven familiar capable of blinding enemies. Upon the familiar's demise, hostile creatures must succeed a Dexterity Saving Throw to avoid being Ensnared.