Crafty Solution Found to Eliminate Mizora Without Harming Wyll in Baldur’s Gate 3

A player in Baldur's Gate 3 community unveils a smart tactic to defeat the Devil Mizora while safeguarding the companion, Wyll.
Crafty Solution Found to Eliminate Mizora Without Harming Wyll in Baldur’s Gate 3


  • A player uncovered a method to permanently eliminate Mizora without causing harm to Wyll in Baldur's Gate 3.
  • The process involves depleting Mizora's intelligence and utilizing specific spells.
  • Wyll remains oblivious to Mizora's demise due to an unintended loophole in the game.

One astute player in the Baldur’s Gate 3 community has devised a strategy to vanquish Mizora without implicating Wyll in the process. Previously, attempting to eliminate Mizora in Baldur’s Gate 3 could lead to dire consequences for the companion Wyll, but this player may have found a solution to this issue for others.

In Baldur’s Gate 3, players are presented with numerous choices, each with repercussions on the game’s narrative and characters. Therefore, players must make decisions judiciously to achieve their desired Baldur’s Gate 3 outcome. While Wyll and Mizora play minor roles in the overarching story, the decisions players make regarding these characters significantly impact the game's narrative. However, one player seems to have discovered a way to circumvent negative consequences for Wyll and Mizora.

Redditor Finnick00 found a loophole that allows Mizora to be killed despite Zariel’s Protection supposedly rendering her invulnerable. Initially, a Wizard with the Illithid power Ability Drain must repeatedly cast a spell to reduce Mizora’s Intelligence to 1. Subsequently, a Cleric or Druid needs to cast Contagion: Mindfire on Mizora. After failing three saving throws, Mizora turns hostile towards the players and their camp. Finally, any party member with the Illithid power Absorb Intellect can reduce her Intelligence to 0, resulting in her permanent demise.

Eliminating Mizora Without Harming Wyll in Baldur's Gate 3

As per Finnick00, Wyll remains unaware of Mizora's death and the absence of any repercussions on him. This oversight likely stems from Larian's intention for Zariel’s Protection to render Mizora impervious to conventional attacks, making the use of a Baldur’s Gate 3 glitch to achieve this unintended by the developers. Therefore, it is advisable for players attempting this method to first complete Wyll’s quest to avoid potential glitches affecting subsequent playthroughs, given Mizora's significance.

The future of the Baldur’s Gate franchise promises intrigue. With developer Larian moving on to new projects, the prospect of another studio surpassing their accomplishments seems daunting. Hasbro has confirmed a sequel to Baldur’s Gate 3 is in the works, but any studio tasked with this endeavor faces a monumental challenge. Only time will reveal if Baldur’s Gate can maintain its success without its recent custodian.