Uncovering the Secret of the Least Expected Weapon in Baldur's Gate 3

Discover how the Least Expected weapon can enhance your stealthy character builds in Baldur's Gate 3.
Uncovering the Secret of the Least Expected Weapon in Baldur's Gate 3


  • Learn how to obtain the powerful Least Expected weapon in Baldur's Gate 3
  • Explore the skills of the Least Expected bow for maximum effectiveness
  • Understand the ideal character builds to make the most of the Least Expected weapon

Delve into the world of Baldur's Gate 3 where each chapter unfolds a treasure trove of items waiting to boost your character's prowess. Whether it's enchanted armors, mystical amulets, or powerful weapons, the game offers a diverse array of magical gear accessible through looting, purchases, quests, or even illicit means.

Amid the arsenal of ranged weapons available in the game, the Least Expected stands out as a Shortbow that can significantly amplify the attacks of characters built around stealth tactics. Understanding how and when to acquire this weapon is crucial, especially for players aiming to excel as stealthy snipers.

Acquiring the Least Expected in Baldur's Gate 3

To lay hands on the Least Expected in Baldur's Gate 3, you must first complete Act 1 and progress into Act 2. Once in Act 2, make your way to the Gauntlet of Shar where the coveted bow awaits.

The easiest route to claim this weapon involves visiting the Moonrise Towers area, interacting with its denizens, and securing a quest from Z'rell that leads you to Balthazar's Office. Obtain a Moonlantern in the office to navigate the Shadow-Cursed Lands safely and protect yourself from the curse's effects.

Alternatively, acquire the Moonlantern from Kar'niss the Drider by siding against him and Kansif during the Harper ambush, choosing to be guided to Moonrise Towers. Regardless of the method, obtaining a Moonlantern is essential to traverse the heavily cursed terrain en route to the Gauntlet of Shar.

Once at the Gauntlet of Shar, simply explore the area to discover the Least Expected bow within a Gilded Chest, along with other valuable loot. The chest is located around X: -736, Y: -801, discreetly tucked behind a counter.

Unveiling the Potential of Least Expected and Optimal Usage

Understanding Least Expected Skills

  • Darkveil Precision: Grants a +1d4 bonus to ranged attacks while concealed in shadow.

Leveraging Darkveil Precision necessitates wielding Least Expected with a high DEX character since bows rely on DEX for attack bonuses. These characters can utilize their Stealth abilities to gain a tactical advantage over foes. Certain Subclasses, like Assassin Rogue and Gloomstalker Ranger, possess features to obscure themselves, making them prime candidates for wielding this bow. The synergistic blend of Gloomstalker Assassin showcases the pinnacle of effectiveness with the Least Expected weapon.