Discover the Secret Animal Vendors in Baldur’s Gate 3

Unveiling the unexpected merchants in the form of animals within the realm of Baldur's Gate 3!
Discover the Secret Animal Vendors in Baldur’s Gate 3


  • Uncover unique animal vendors in the game
  • Learn where to find these animal merchants
  • Explore the items these furry traders offer

Baldur's Gate 3 is renowned for harboring a plethora of hidden surprises and intricate details that have eluded players for months. The game developers painstakingly accounted for every possible player action, including incorporating special dialogues for most of the animals populating the Sword Coast for those eager to converse with the furry denizens.

Players can engage with animals through the Speak With Animals Spell, shape-shifting into an animal form, or utilizing the Potion of Animal Speaking. By mastering the art of conversing with animals, players can unveil a wealth of information, including the existence of animal vendors. Here are the animal vendors in the game, their locations, and their wares.

Tara The Tressym

Act 3: Lower City Rooftops

Noteworthy items carried by the animal:

  • Hat of the Sharp Caster - Allows rerolling if a 1 or 2 is rolled on a Spell Attack
  • Ring of Blink - Grants the Blink Spell
  • Tressym Collar - Bestows the Telekinesis Spell
  • Slinging Shoes - Enhances Dexterity Throws by +1, inflicts 2-8 Psychic Damage, and returns when thrown
  • Various Magical Items

Tara, a Tressym, closely resembles a cat. She serves as Gale's pet from his childhood and makes an appearance in Act 1 if the player embodies Gale's Origin Character. If not, she emerges in Act 3, causing disturbances in Baldur's Gate's Lower City and triggering the quest "Find The Missing Letters."

Tara can be spotted in Baldur's Gate, traversing the rooftops of the Lower City. Known locations where the Tressym frequents include the roofs of The Devil's Fee, Open Hand Temple, and atop the Monastery in Rivington. She stands out as one of the rare animals in the game willing to engage in conversation with players devoid of any Speak With Animals abilities.

Skittle The Rat

Act 3: Heapside Prison

Noteworthy items carried by the animal:

  • Assortment of Scrolls of varying kinds
  • Thieves' Tools - Facilitates lockpicking
  • Elixir of Universal Resistance - Grants 10-round Resistance to all damage
  • Counting House Safe Number 2 Key - Unlocks a safe in the Counting House

Skittle, an intriguing rat within the game, possesses a peculiar trait when conversing with players - he communicates solely through riddles, making conversations with him a puzzling endeavor at times. However, he greatly appreciates responses in the form of riddles and puns.

To encounter Skittle, players must venture into the Heapside Prison and locate him within one of the cells. Gaining access to his cell requires stealing the key from a Flaming Fist or communicating with him through the cell bars. Furthermore, an adjacent cell can be accessed through the sewers, providing entry to Skittle's location.