Exploring the Intriguing Hexblade in Baldur's Gate 3

Encounter an NPC with a Mix of Warlock and Hexblade Features in Baldur's Gate 3
Exploring the Intriguing Hexblade in Baldur's Gate 3


  • Discover the unique interpretation of the Hexblade subclass in Baldur's Gate 3 inspired by D&D mechanics.
  • Unravel the mysterious NPC Ch'r'ai Tska'an who defies traditional class boundaries in the game.
  • Learn how Larian Studios introduced a versatile Pact Weapon system as an alternative to the missing Hexblade subclass.

Delve into the diverse character creation options in Baldur's Gate 3 that draw inspiration from Dungeons and Dragons, offering a fresh take on the Hexblade subclass. As Wizards of the Coast transitioned from 5e rules to OneDnD, Larian Studios carefully crafted the game's interpretation of the Forgotten Realms, including unique class elements. While some players criticized the absence of the Hexblade subclass, a peculiar enemy encounter in the game hints at its presence.

Known for its melee-focused Warlock approach, the Hexblade subclass features a Shadowfell entity as its patron. In Baldur's Gate 3, using the Shadow Blade Ring closely mimics the Hexblade's shadowy weapon summoning. However, an enemy NPC in Act 2 challenges traditional Warlock norms, showcasing a playstyle reminiscent of the Hexblade.

Discovering Ch'r'ai Tska'an's Unconventional Abilities

An Unusual Warlock with an Undead Patron

During the Githyanki ambush near the Road to Baldur's Gate waypoint, players encounter Ch'r'ai Tska'an, a leader with unique abilities not accessible to players or other NPCs. With Vlaakith as her patron, she wields Form of Dread, a class action exclusive to Undead in DnD. Despite having Eldritch Invocations and standard spells, her proficiencies surpass typical subclass offerings.

Resemblance to a Hexblade in Tska'an's Build

Tska'an dons Psionic Ward Armor, typically exclusive to Hexblade Warlocks (she is proficient due to being Githyanki). Her melee combat style, though unconventional, aligns with a Hexblade, even wielding a greatsword without the usual Hex Warrior feature. Interestingly, the Githyanki's misconception of Vlaakith adds a layer of complexity to Tska'an's identity.

The Enduring Popularity of the Hexblade in Baldur's Gate 3

Larian's Innovative Approach and Community Mods

The absence of the Hexblade subclass sparked discussions within the BG3 community. To address this, Larian Studios reimagined the Pact of the Blade as a flexible alternative to Hexblade, allowing Warlocks to apply Charisma modifiers to any weapon. This adaptation explains Tska'an's hybrid abilities and spurred fan-made versions of the Hexblade.

Shortly after release, a mod introduced the Hexblade into Baldur's Gate 3, enabling players to experience the full Hexblade class fantasy. While not an official inclusion, Tska'an's character hints at the Hexblade, showcasing Larian's nod to the subclass within the game's mechanics.