Unveiling the Mystery: The Unique Weapons of the Sisters in Baldur's Gate 3

Exploring the distinctive weapons wielded by the Sisters of Mercy in Baldur's Gate 3 and how you can obtain and utilize them.
Unveiling the Mystery: The Unique Weapons of the Sisters in Baldur's Gate 3


  • Discover the House of Healing location and its significance in the game world.
  • Learn effective strategies to confront Malus Thorm and acquire the Sisters' weapons.
  • Explore the unique characteristics and abilities of the Trepan, Bonesaw, and Syringe weapons.

Baldur's Gate 3 unfolds across three acts, with the second act unfolding in the Shadow-cursed Lands and the decrepit Reithwin Town. Players must face Kethric Thorm, an avatar of the dead three, and navigate a landscape haunted by his cursed relatives. Among these malevolent beings, Malus Thorm stands out as a key adversary whose defeat is crucial in dispelling the Shadow-curse and enlisting the aid of Halsin. The Sisters of Mercy, allies of Malus, can be found in the local hospital and medical school, posing a formidable challenge to players.

Similar to other boss encounters in BG3, players have multiple avenues to emerge victorious. By choosing specific dialogue options, players can access three exclusive weapons unobtainable elsewhere in the game.

Unveiling the House of Healing

  • Location tied to quests like "Find Arabella's Parents" and "Lift The Shadow Curse."

Reithwin Town, situated in the western region of the Shadow-cursed Lands, is easily accessible via several worn bridges. Players aligned with the Drider will reach the town directly, while those allied with the Harpers will first journey to Last Light Inn.

  • Starting from the Reithwin Town Waypoint: Head west along the main road to reach the House of Healing, a large building opposite The Waning Moon Tavern. Sister Lidwin guards the entrance, requiring a Deception check to pass.
  • From the Moonrise Towers Waypoint: Travel north, then choose to proceed left along the main road to access the front entrance or continue north, turning left into the graveyard for alternative access. Climbing a ladder to enter through the roof is also an option.

Confronting Malus Thorm

  • Each Sister possesses a unique weapon under specific conditions.

With the exception of Ketheric, negotiations can lead the Thorms to surrender or take their own lives instead of engaging in combat. The success of these interactions hinges on the player character's skills and stats, favoring classes like Rogues and Bards with high Charisma.

There are three methods to acquire the Sisters' weapons.

  • By passing an Investigation or Insight check, players can discern the subpar quality of the Sisters' weapons. Opting to compel Malus to have the Sisters practice on themselves leads to their demise, allowing players to claim the weapons.
  • Alternatively, engaging in combat without dialogue prompts the Sisters to drop their weapons upon defeat.
  • If Malus perishes before the Sisters, players can pilfer the weapons from his body.

Exploring the Sisters' Arsenal

  • Weapons suited for diverse character classes.

Beyond their thematic appeal, the Sisters' weapons boast unique designs and abilities, catering to a wide range of playstyles. All three weapons are classified as Uncommon and offer versatility suitable for various races and classes.


Traditionally used in surgery to bore into bone and cartilage, the Trepan stands out with its unique ability, Trepanation, alongside standard melee moves like Flourish and Piercing Strike.

  • Shortsword: A lightweight weapon suitable for multiple classes, utilizing Dexterity for enhanced effectiveness.
  • Stats And Abilities: Piercing damage, dealing 1d6 damage + Strength or Dexterity modifier
  • Trepanation: Inflict the Prone condition by boring through the enemy's skull.


  • Longsword: A sturdy weapon favored by Fighters and Rangers, relying on Strength for damage output.
  • Stats And Abilities: Slashing damage, delivering 1d8 + Strength modifier when wielded two-handed, and 1d10 + Strength modifier for single-handed or shielded combat.


  • Dagger: A nimble weapon suitable for all classes, including spellcasters, with the ability to be thrown.
  • Stats And Abilities: Piercing damage, causing 1d4 + Strength or Dexterity modifier in harm.