Unveiling the Puzzle Solution in Baldur’s Gate 3: Gardener’s Basement

Discover a hidden passage leading to Minsc in Baldur's Gate 3 by solving the puzzle in the Gardener's Basement.
Unveiling the Puzzle Solution in Baldur’s Gate 3: Gardener’s Basement


  • Explore the vast world of Baldur's Gate 3, rich with Dungeons & Dragons inspiration.
  • Unlock shortcuts and secrets with flexible gameplay mechanics.
  • Navigate the puzzle in the Gardener's Basement to access the sewers and meet Minsc.

Baldur's Gate 3 immerses players in a sprawling RPG world influenced by the realms of Dungeons & Dragons. The game's design encourages diverse problem-solving approaches, offering players multiple paths to tackle challenges, whether through dialogue choices or exploration off the main routes. As players reach Act 3 and arrive at the bustling city of Baldur's Gate, they are greeted with a significantly larger area to navigate, filled with hidden surprises awaiting discovery.

One intriguing locale within the city is the expansive sewer system, housing various entrances, including one within the inconspicuous Gardener's Basement. This entry point provides a direct route to the sought-after character Minsc, bypassing a more intricate puzzle. Here's how you can locate the Gardener's Basement and unravel its enigmatic puzzle, offering a convenient shortcut to encounter a potential new ally hidden deep within the underground passages.

Locating the Gardener's Basement

To find the Gardener's Basement, head east from The Lodge and north from the Steel Watcher Foundry, precisely at coordinates (X:-251,Y-90). The closest fast travel point is located beneath the Grey Harbor Docks.

Approach the small gardening area where NPCs are engaged in conversation. Adjacent to Lady Jannath's Estate, the entrance to the Gardener's Basement is marked with a door labeled "Get Out."

Solving the Gardener's Basement Puzzle

Upon entering the Gardener's Basement, you'll encounter a room cluttered with barrels and crates. Explore the room's peripheries to discern a subtle clicking noise. Divide your party, placing a character on each pressure plate at opposite ends to trigger the switches simultaneously.

Both switches will activate, unveiling a concealed sliding door at the room's center. Navigate past the obstacles cautiously, as a hazardous brine trap lies beyond. Access the hatch at the room's end to descend into the sewers.

Discovering the Abandoned Cistern

This hatch serves as a shortcut to the Abandoned Cistern area, allowing you to circumvent the entire sewer network. Within, you'll encounter Minsc alongside a group of adversaries, ideal for those who have already ventured through the lower levels of the Counting House.