Baldur's Gate 3: Pitfalls to Dodge for a Smoother Gameplay

Discover the critical decisions in Baldur's Gate 3 that can lead to unintended consequences and impact your journey significantly.
Baldur's Gate 3: Pitfalls to Dodge for a Smoother Gameplay


  • Small choices in the game can lead to significant outcomes, like losing companions or altering NPC interactions in later acts.
  • Players must carefully evaluate the long-term effects of their decisions, as seemingly trivial choices can result in tragic consequences.
  • Every decision, from minor to major, carries weight in Baldur's Gate 3, emphasizing the need for strategic thinking.

Amidst the myriad choices in Baldur's Gate 3 that shape the narrative, some have unforeseen repercussions. Deciphering the impact of seemingly insignificant decisions, especially those arising in Act One but materializing in Act Three, poses a challenge.

This article delves into pivotal choices in Baldur's Gate 3 that wield far-reaching, often adverse effects across the gameplay - from losing cherished companions to altering the storyline in profound ways, evoking emotions ranging from sorrow to regret.

Warning: Spoilers ahead for Baldur's Gate 3. This content reveals in-game consequences and information unbeknownst to the player's character. Role-playing purists may opt to discover these outcomes organically.

10 The Fate of Scratch

Parting Ways with a Furry Companion

Encountered in Act One, Scratch, a loyal dog, tugs at players' heartstrings. Returning him to his abusive origins in Act Three is a grave misstep, leading to irreversible separation and poignant dialogues, depriving players of a faithful ally and a joyful conclusion for Scratch.

Opting to rescue Scratch post-handover entails confronting and potentially slaying his captor, a deed avoidable by retaining Scratch initially, a choice preserving both his companionship and a brighter fate.

9 Kagha's Ruthlessness

Unveiling the Dark Side of a Leader

Allowing Kagha to slay Arabella initiates a chain reaction of vengeance and loss, depleting potential allies and altering future quests significantly. Intervening to protect Arabella safeguards alliances and retains a valuable ally for forthcoming acts, underscoring the weight of this decision.

8 Astarion's Destiny

Condemning a Complex Character

Surrendering Astarion to his grim fate severs his narrative arc and potential redemption, urging players to ponder the implications of their actions. Choosing mercy over betrayal allows for a deeper exploration of Astarion's past and a chance at redemption, enriching the gameplay experience.