Discover the Top Classes for Melee Combat in Baldur’s Gate 3

Exploring the most effective classes for close-range battles in BG3
Discover the Top Classes for Melee Combat in Baldur’s Gate 3


  • Unveiling the most useful melee classes in the game
  • Understanding the tier list for melee combat
  • Choosing the best subclasses for optimal performance

Baldur’s Gate 3 provides players with a wide array of class options to shape their character's journey. The class selection significantly influences gameplay, especially for those seeking a strong focus on melee combat. Certain classes excel in dealing substantial damage up close, making them ideal choices for melee-centric builds.

Top Picks for Melee Combat

Explore the standout classes renowned for their ability to unleash devastating damage in close-quarter engagements.

Evaluating Melee Classes

Effectiveness in melee combat is defined by a class's capacity to deal significant damage through close-range combat using weapons or unarmed strikes. A formidable melee fighter requires a robust HP pool and Armor class to withstand frontline battles.

C Tier

C Tier comprises classes that lack the prowess for melee combat, making them inferior to more efficient options for this role. The Ranger falls into this category due to its emphasis on ranged attacks despite proficiency in medium armor and a variety of weapons.

Optimal Ranger Subclass for Melee: Hunter

B Tier

B Tier classes fare better in close combat situations, with the Monk and Rogue standing out. Monks excel in hand-to-hand combat and have unique abilities like unarmored defense, while Rogues, proficient in light armor and various melee weapons, thrive in hit-and-run tactics.

Preferred Monk Subclass for Melee: Way Of The Open Hand

Preferred Rogue Subclass for Melee: Assassin

A Tier

A Tier houses the Paladin, a versatile class excelling in melee combat and spellcasting. Paladins wield medium armor, shields, and a range of weapons, combining melee prowess with healing and supportive spells. Their Divine Smite ability adds radiant damage to melee strikes, enhancing their combat effectiveness.

Optimal Paladin Subclass for Melee: Oath Of Vengeance

S Tier

S Tier features the elite melee classes renowned for unmatched power and proficiency in close combat. Fighters, with their heavy armor proficiency and versatile weapon choices, excel in various combat scenarios. Their unique abilities like Action Surge and Extra Attack make them formidable opponents. Barbarians, known for their raw damage output and resistance capabilities, dominate in melee confrontations.

Preferred Fighter Subclass for Melee: Battle Master

Preferred Barbarian Subclass for Melee: Berserker

Embark on your melee combat journey in Baldur’s Gate 3 available on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox One.