Unveiling Astarion's Top Armaments in Baldur’s Gate 3

Discover the ultimate weapons tailored for Astarion, the Rogue extraordinaire in Baldur's Gate 3.
Unveiling Astarion's Top Armaments in Baldur’s Gate 3


  • The Needle of the Outlaw Rogue offers versatility and easy accessibility for Astarion in the player's camp stash.
  • Empower Astarion with the Bow of the Banshee to invoke fear and gain a strategic advantage in battles.
  • Obtain the legendary Bloodthirst dagger to unlock potent abilities suitable for both Ascended and Spawn Astarion in Act 3.

Embark on a journey through Baldur's Gate 3 with a Rogue character, where the weapon choices are abundant, reflecting the class's versatility in Dungeons & Dragons. A rogue is an essential asset in any party, proficient in sneak attacks, lockpicking, and trap disarming.

For players who prefer not to take on the Rogue role themselves, recruiting Astarion as a Companion is a strategic move. By equipping Astarion with optimal weapons, he becomes a valuable addition to the party. While these weapons are excellent for any Rogue, they are particularly well-suited for the Pale Elf.

6 Needle Of The Outlaw Rogue

Easily Accessible Common Dagger

  • Attributes: 1d4 + Strength or Dexterity modifier, piercing damage

Concealed within the Traveller's Chest at the player's camp lies the Peculiar Clothing Chest, housing unique Common items primarily for visual appeal. Among these items is the Needle of the Outlaw Rogue, a dagger that stands out as one of Astarion's top choices.

This dagger holds great significance for Astarion as it has been patiently awaiting him at the camp since day one, presenting itself as a readily available piece of equipment. Despite its common quality, it remains a valuable asset, especially considering the limited gear options at that stage of the game. Additionally, Astarion can utilize the Needle of the Outlaw Rogue for ranged attacks in the absence of a decent bow or crossbow.

5 Bow Of The Banshee

Rare Bow with Unique Abilities

  • Attributes: 1d6 + Dexterity modifier, piercing damage, Blood-Curdling Emission ability causing the Frightened condition

In the early stages of Baldur's Gate 3, the Bow of the Banshee is a rare find, obtainable in Act 1 from Corsair Greymon, the Duergar trader encountered in the Grymforge.

The unique ability of this bow, Blood-Curdling Emission, makes it an ideal choice for a vampire-spawn Astarion. This ability, in addition to dealing damage and providing the Hamstring Shot effect, can induce fear (Frightened condition) in enemies, rendering them immobile and enhancing damage and attack accuracy.

4 Stillmaker

Notorious Dagger with Special Abilities

  • Attributes: 1d4 + Strength or Dexterity modifier, piercing damage, ability to cast Hold Person

A dagger of Very Rare quality, the Stillmaker holds a dark history that aligns with Astarion's preferences. This dagger, associated with the Open Hand Temple Murders, can be discovered hidden in a cave beneath the temple.

One notable feature of Stillmaker is its capability to cast Hold Person, a fitting ability for a vampire character. This spell, a level two enchantment, can render the target Incapacitated, restricting their movement and actions. Additionally, enemies under this spell suffer Disadvantage on attacks against them.