Baldur’s Gate 3: Making the Right Choice Between Marcus and Isobel

Exploring the options of helping Marcus or Isobel in Baldur’s Gate 3
Baldur’s Gate 3: Making the Right Choice Between Marcus and Isobel


  • Understanding the conflict between Marcus and Isobel in Baldur’s Gate 3
  • Exploring the consequences of aiding Marcus or Isobel
  • Making the morally right decision in the game dilemma

In the world of Baldur’s Gate 3’s Act 2, players encounter a pivotal conflict involving Isobel and Flaming Fist Marcus. When faced with the decision to support one of them at the Last Light Inn, players must choose wisely, as one path proves to be more advantageous.

Overview of Characters

Isobel, a cleric devoted to Selune, and Flaming Fist Marcus, clash in Act 2. Isobel protects the Last Light Inn with her Moon Shield, shielding it from curses. Marcus, under Ketheric’s command, aims to abduct Isobel, leading to a pivotal choice for the player.

Location Details

The Last Light Inn, situated in the Shadow Cursed Lands, serves as the battleground. Accessible early in Act 2, this area poses challenges, including encounters with Harper Lassandra.

Decision Time: Marcus vs. Isobel

Players aiding Isobel protect the inn from Marcus’s assault. Buffing Isobel’s defenses and ensuring her safety are paramount. Defeating Marcus and his Winged Horrors is crucial to maintaining Isobel’s protection over the inn’s residents.

Conversely, supporting Marcus results in Isobel's defeat, endangering the inn's inhabitants. This choice impacts future missions and alliances, illustrating the gravity of player decisions in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Making the Right Call

Opting to side with Isobel aligns with the moral compass, safeguarding the inn and its dwellers. Choosing Marcus leads to dire consequences, highlighting the importance of ethical gameplay choices.

Baldur’s Gate 3 offers players a nuanced narrative where decisions shape outcomes, underscoring the significance of the path chosen in this fantasy realm.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is an immersive experience available on PC, Xbox, and PlayStation 5.