Making the Choice: Abdirak in Baldur's Gate 3

Players of Baldur's Gate 3 often face a dilemma when encountering Abdirak - to kill or not to kill, that is the question.
Making the Choice: Abdirak in Baldur's Gate 3


  • Decide whether to kill or spare Abdirak for different outcomes.
  • Obtain powerful rewards by making strategic choices in the game.
  • Balance between character morality and in-game benefits for the best results.

When diving into the world of Baldur's Gate 3, players are met with a multitude of decisions that shape their journey. One such pivotal moment occurs upon meeting Abdirak in the Shattered Sanctum, a character whose intentions may not be immediately clear. Positioned within the Goblin Camp and a devout Loviatar worshiper, Abdirak's questionable propositions may lead players to contemplate his fate.

While the initial instinct might be to eliminate Abdirak swiftly due to his dubious nature, refraining from hasty actions can unveil unexpected benefits. The choice regarding Abdirak is laden with consequences, prompting players to weigh their options carefully for a favorable outcome.

Should You Spare or Kill Abdirak in Baldur's Gate 3?

In the realm of Baldur's Gate 3, opting to eliminate Abdirak grants access to Loviatar's Scourge, a potent mace dealing both Bludgeoning and Necrotic damage. Moreover, the wielder gains resistance to Necrotic damage, making it a valuable acquisition. Considering Abdirak's minimal impact on subsequent Acts, players are free to make their choice without substantial narrative repercussions.

Unlocking Loviatar's Blessing in Baldur's Gate 3

Contrary to impulsive actions, engaging in Abdirak's ritual and enduring his ceremonial strikes presents an alternative path. By allowing the ritual to transpire, players can receive Loviatar's Love, a lasting boon offering bonuses to Attack Rolls and Wisdom saving throws when health dwindles below 30%. Careful consideration and strategic saving before the ritual enable players to navigate through Performance checks and optimize their chances of success.

It's worth noting that the bestowed buff remains unaffected by Abdirak's fate, allowing players to secure the enhancement and subsequently opt to dispatch Abdirak for his weapon. Balancing the morality of sparing Abdirak with the allure of powerful rewards encapsulates the nuanced decision-making process in Baldur's Gate 3.