Balatro Demystified: Unraveling Tags and Double Tags

Exploring the mechanics of Tags, including the intriguing Double Tag, in the world of Balatro to help players make informed decisions.
Balatro Demystified: Unraveling Tags and Double Tags


  • Tags in Balatro are valuable rewards earned by skipping Blinds, offering diverse benefits like enhancing future shops and providing Jokers and packs.
  • Deciding whether to skip Blinds for Tags involves weighing the benefits against the downsides, considering missed earnings and strategic limitations.
  • Double Tags in Balatro are unique rewards that grant players an additional copy of the next pursued Tag, potentially multiplying the benefits obtained.

Tags play a crucial role in the realm of Balatro. Players have the chance to acquire a Tag each time they face the decision to select a Small or Big Blind. However, the concept of Tags can be perplexing for enthusiasts, prompting the need for a deeper understanding before diving into their pursuit. This comprehensive guide aims to shed light on Tags, particularly the intriguing Double Tag, within the universe of Balatro.

Decoding Tags in Balatro

Tags serve as valuable rewards obtainable by opting out of Small or Big Blinds, offering a range of advantages. These rewards can influence upcoming shops, provide Jokers, packs, and more. Players in Balatro can preview the specific Tag they will earn by selecting 'Skip Blind' during Blind selection.

Weighing the Decision: To Skip or Not for Tags?

While skipping Blinds to secure desirable Tags can be advantageous, it's essential to consider the trade-offs. Skipping a Blind means forgoing the potential earnings and the chance to make purchases from the Shop before the next round. Moreover, certain Jokers like Runner in Balatro can significantly impact gameplay by upgrading cards and themselves during a round, making the pursuit of Tags a strategic dilemma.

Exploring Double Tags in Balatro

A Double Tag is a unique reward that grants players an additional copy of the subsequent Tag they pursue. For instance, if a player opts to skip a Blind for a Double Tag and then skips another Blind for a Tag offering a free Spectral Pack, they would receive two free Spectral Packs in Balatro.

It's worth noting that players can accumulate multiple Double Tags concurrently, especially with Balatro's Anaglyph Deck facilitating this. When another type of Tag is finally obtained, all accumulated Double Tags activate simultaneously, providing players with multiple copies of the Tag's benefits at once.