Mastering Balatro: Essential Tips for New Players

Embark on your Balatro journey with these beginner-friendly tips to navigate the game's complexities with ease.
Mastering Balatro: Essential Tips for New Players


  • Focus on developing a strong deck strategy over counting cards to excel in Balatro.
  • Utilize the deck check feature to enhance your card-drawing odds and gameplay.
  • Explore various strategies, card combinations, and game depths for an exciting Balatro experience.

Balatro presents a unique deck-building challenge that may puzzle newcomers initially. While it shares elements with traditional card games like poker, its gameplay is refreshingly distinct.

Unlike poker, Balatro doesn't demand card counting or deep knowledge of hand values. Instead, success hinges on constructing a deck that evolves throughout the game to yield significantly more points by the end of each round.

1 Inspect Your Deck Contents Regularly

Optimize Your Draws

In Balatro, chance plays a crucial role. By examining the deck mid-game or in the shop, players can predict their upcoming draws. Hovering over the deck provides a glimpse of available cards, while clicking reveals more detailed information.

What sets this feature apart is its display of previously played cards, aiding players in strategizing and improving their hand without the need for card counting.

2 Strategize Your Tarot Card Usage

Be Mindful of Effects

In Balatro, misusing bonus cards can have severe consequences. For instance, using the Strength Tarot on an ace can lead to unexpected rank changes. Similarly, transforming a card into a stone with The Tower may hinder potential winning hands.

Players must exercise caution and foresight when leveraging Tarot cards to avoid setbacks during gameplay.

3 Embrace Diverse Strategies

Discover the Game's Depths

Engage in experimentation to unlock the full spectrum of Balatro's gameplay. Whether exploring different card combos, strategic approaches, or hidden game elements like Jokers and Tarots, embracing variety is key.

Remember, making mistakes is part of the learning process, so enjoy the journey of discovery and strategy refinement in Balatro.