B-14 Adjudicator Review: A Closer Look at the New Helldivers 2 Battle Rifle

Exploring the strengths and weaknesses of the Adjudicator, the latest addition to Helldivers 2's arsenal.
B-14 Adjudicator Review: A Closer Look at the New Helldivers 2 Battle Rifle


  • The B-14 Adjudicator offers versatility in combat, excelling against both heavy infantry and swarms of smaller enemies.
  • Despite its lower magazine capacity, the Adjudicator stands out for its high damage output and unique capabilities.
  • Mastering the Adjudicator's recoil and firing modes is key to maximizing its effectiveness in battles against various enemy types.

Introducing the B-14 Adjudicator, a revolutionary addition to Helldivers 2 weaponry. Unlike its counterparts, this fully-automatic Marksman Rifle may not pack the same punch per shot as the Diligence, but its adaptability shines through as it effortlessly handles heavy infantry and swarms of foes.

While not as flashy as other premium arms in Helldivers 2, the Adjudicator carves its niche as the sole conventional firearm in its category. Yet, its reception among galactic liberators remains divided due to the current landscape of automatic weapons in the game.

Is the Adjudicator the Right Investment?

  • Damage: 80
  • Capacity: 25
  • Fire Rate: 550
  • Recoil: 50

On paper, the Adjudicator impresses with its steady fire rate and remarkable damage output per round, setting it apart from its peers. Its primary competitor, the Liberator Penetrator, falls short in damage comparison, making the Adjudicator a compelling choice despite its slower fire rate and limited magazine size.

If you favor the Liberator Penetrator, the Adjudicator offers a refreshing change with its superior firepower. With proper recoil management, it becomes a reliable tool against formidable foes like Berserkers and Brood Commanders, although its lower ammo capacity necessitates strategic ammunition conservation.

Assessing the Adjudicator's Performance

In practical scenarios, the Adjudicator poses a challenge due to its pronounced sideways recoil when fired continuously. Utilizing it in semi-auto mode mimics a standard Marksman Rifle, proving effective against basic infantry units. Avoiding full-auto mode unless firing from a crouched position is advisable.

While serviceable against alien threats, the Adjudicator may not outshine top-tier options against Terminids in Helldivers 2. Its modest magazine size hinders its efficiency against Hunter swarms compared to alternatives like the Liberator or LAS-16 Sickle. Nonetheless, its enhanced damage output makes it a formidable choice against specific high-value targets like Hive Guards and Bile Spewers.