Reimagining Shields in Avowed: Enhancing Defensive Strategies

Exploring innovative ways to make shields more than just defensive tools in Avowed's combat system.
Reimagining Shields in Avowed: Enhancing Defensive Strategies


  • Avowed, an upcoming fantasy RPG by Obsidian Entertainment, boasts diverse combat options like spellcasting and melee.
  • Shields in Avowed may face overshadowing by more offensive weapons, prompting the need for enhancements.
  • Inspired by Dragon's Dogma, Avowed could introduce offensive abilities to shields for a strategic edge in battles.

Avowed is an eagerly anticipated fantasy RPG developed by Obsidian Entertainment, known for titles like The Outer Worlds and Pillars of Eternity. Set in the same universe as Pillars of Eternity, Avowed promises an immersive experience with companions, branching narratives, and a rich world to explore. In addition to these staples, the game offers a unique weapon system that caters to diverse playstyles.

With a range of combat options such as spellcasting, sharpshooting, and melee, Avowed empowers players to customize their fighting style. While the game presents an array of offensive weapons, shields might struggle to stand out in the heat of battle. To prevent shields from becoming mere accessories, Avowed must innovate to keep them relevant.

Revamping Shield Mechanics in Avowed

Shields in the Shadow of Offense

The allure of Avowed lies in its flexible combat system, allowing players to wield any combination of weapons without class restrictions. This freedom opens up diverse combat strategies, like wielding dual wands or mixing firearms with melee weapons. However, traditional shields could lose their appeal amidst the game's more dynamic offensive arsenal.

Given the abundance of engaging offensive tools in Avowed, equipping a shield might seem lackluster. Players may favor wands, bows, or spells over a shield that offers limited defensive utility. To elevate shields from mere passive protection, Avowed could integrate offensive capabilities into their design.

Shields as Dual-Use Weapons

To reinvigorate shields as a viable choice, Avowed could imbue them with offensive features that complement defensive functions. While shields can currently deflect attacks, incorporating abilities that deal elemental damage upon successful blocks would add a strategic dimension to combat. Drawing inspiration from Dragon's Dogma's Mystic Knight class, shields could become versatile tools for both defense and offense.

Enchanting shields with elemental affinities, such as fire or ice magic, could transform them into active instruments of destruction. By rewarding well-timed parries with debilitating effects on enemies, shields would become more than passive barriers, evolving into integral components of a player's combat repertoire.

Avowed has the potential to reshape traditional shield mechanics into dynamic gameplay elements that enhance strategic depth. By infusing shields with offensive flair, the game can offer players a fresh approach to defensive tactics, ensuring that every piece of equipment contributes meaningfully to their combat experience.