Crafting Nuanced Dialogue in Avowed: Impact of Character Backgrounds

Exploring the significance of dialogue options in Obsidian's Avowed and how character backgrounds shape player choices.
Crafting Nuanced Dialogue in Avowed: Impact of Character Backgrounds


  • Avowed strives to offer a distinctive player experience emphasizing choice, building on the legacy of Pillars of Eternity.
  • Addressing concerns about the perceived lack of dialogue variety, Obsidian hints at hidden depths in Avowed's conversational system tied to player backgrounds.
  • To fully capture the diversity of Eora's races and factions, Avowed must introduce nuanced dialogue options reflecting character backgrounds.

Obsidian Entertainment's Avowed is generating significant anticipation among gamers in 2024, drawing on the success of previous titles like The Outer Worlds and Pillars of Eternity. Set in Eora's Living Lands, the same fantastical realm as Pillars of Eternity, Avowed aims to provide players with a rich narrative experience underlined by impactful decision-making.

Avowed is poised to offer a fresh gaming encounter while inheriting elements from The Outer Worlds and Pillars of Eternity. Although it retains some of the Pillars of Eternity essence, Avowed is carving its distinct path. Yet, some fans have raised worries about the apparent dialogue limitations, a feature Pillars of Eternity excelled in.

The Need for Diverse Dialogue in Avowed

Dialogue intricacies in RPGs present a challenge. While some games provide superficial choices, others, like Baldur's Gate 3, offer numerous options that significantly impact the story. Avowed must navigate this landscape carefully, considering the evolving standards of player choice in RPGs.

One strategy for enhancing dialogue depth in Avowed involves incorporating character race and faction into the conversation options. Although players are limited to choosing between a human and an elf due to the protagonist's origin in the Aedyr Empire, Avowed is likely to introduce various factions, expanding the dialogue palette.

Unveiling the Layers of Avowed's Dialogue

Following the 2024 Xbox Developer Direct showcasing Avowed, initial impressions hinted at unique dialogue choices tied to specific skills, akin to Starfield. However, a revelation by game director Carrie Patel clarified the role of icons in dialogue options, hinting at background influences.

In response to fan feedback post Xbox Developer Direct, Obsidian is refining Avowed, with Patel confirming background-locked options. This revelation excites RPG enthusiasts as it suggests that player backgrounds will shape dialogue choices in Avowed.

The extent of nuance in Avowed's dialogue remains a mystery. With Pillars of Eternity offering ten backgrounds for Aedyr Empire characters, a similar depth may feature in Avowed. Players eagerly anticipate a diverse array of options influencing interactions with NPCs, a detail that will be clarified closer to the game's launch.