The Challenge of Scaling Avowed's Skill Trees

Ensuring Avowed's skill trees align with the game's size and scope is crucial for player satisfaction and gameplay balance.
The Challenge of Scaling Avowed's Skill Trees


  • Avowed's skill trees must be tailored to match the game's scale to provide a fulfilling player experience.
  • Skill trees in Avowed should not be excessively large to avoid overwhelming players or feeling incomplete.
  • Avowed should design skill trees that are accessible without being tied to specific points in the game's narrative.

Obsidian Entertainment's upcoming RPG Avowed is an ambitious project that aims to blend the fantasy elements of the Pillars of Eternity series with the captivating world of The Outer Worlds. While this fusion of styles could result in a unique gaming experience, it also poses a challenge for the game's skill tree system.

Unlike sprawling RPGs like The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Avowed is expected to be more compact in scale, similar to The Outer Worlds. This difference in size could impact how skill trees are implemented in the game and how players interact with them.

Aligning Skill Trees with Avowed's Scale

Optimizing Skill Tree Size

The skill trees in Avowed are designed to be accessible to all players, focusing on abilities rather than traditional stat points. While this flexibility is appealing, an overly complex skill system could overwhelm players and detract from the overall gaming experience. It is crucial for Avowed to strike a balance and ensure that skill trees are substantial but not excessive, allowing players to fully explore their capabilities within the game's framework.

In contrast to expansive RPGs that provide ample opportunities for skill tree completion, Avowed may have limited space for extensive skill progression. This constraint necessitates a more tailored approach to designing skill trees that complement the game's size and pacing.

Freedom from Narrative Constraints

To maintain a cohesive experience, Avowed should avoid linking skill tree progression to specific plot points. By decoupling skill development from the main narrative, players are encouraged to explore the game world and engage with diverse gameplay elements to enhance their characters. This approach ensures that skill trees remain relevant throughout the player's journey, independent of story progression.

While details about Avowed's skill trees are scarce, the game's developers have indicated a departure from the expansive scale of games like Skyrim. This shift suggests a more focused and streamlined skill system that aligns with the game's overall design philosophy. As Avowed approaches its release, players eagerly anticipate further insights into how the game's skill trees will shape their gameplay experience.