Avowed's Decision to Omit Romance Feature Raises Concerns for The Outer Worlds 2

Exploring the implications of Obsidian's exclusion of a companion romance feature in Avowed and its potential impact on The Outer Worlds 2.
Avowed's Decision to Omit Romance Feature Raises Concerns for The Outer Worlds 2


  • Avowed, an action RPG by Obsidian, will introduce companion characters but without romance options, signaling a shift in game design focus.
  • Obsidian's deliberate exclusion of romance in Avowed hints at a similar approach in future games, possibly affecting The Outer Worlds 2.
  • The absence of romance features in Avowed and past Obsidian games underscores a trend towards prioritizing other aspects over companion relationships.

Avowed represents the upcoming action RPG venture by Obsidian Entertainment, creators of The Outer Worlds, set in the Pillars of Eternity universe. While rooted in the Pillars of Eternity lore, Avowed is poised to introduce fresh gameplay elements alongside familiar ones. A hallmark of Obsidian titles and RPGs in general is the inclusion of companion characters who aid players on their quests. In line with this tradition, Avowed will feature diverse companions offering unique support to players.

However, fans anticipating romantic interactions with companions in Avowed might be disappointed. Obsidian has opted to forgo incorporating romance mechanics, citing the complexity of executing this feature effectively. While this decision aligns with Obsidian's recent titles (excluding Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire), it sets a precedent for future games like The Outer Worlds 2.

Avowed's Absence of Romance Foreshadows The Outer Worlds 2

Foretelling The Outer Worlds 2's Direction Through Avowed's Choices

In keeping with past releases, Avowed is expected to introduce various companions for players to encounter and enlist in their journey through the Living Lands. While characters like Kai and Giatta have been confirmed, players won't have the option to pursue romantic relationships with them. Nevertheless, a relationship-building system akin to past Obsidian games will likely influence the player-companion dynamics.

Although romanceable companions were present in Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire, marking a departure from earlier titles, their absence in Avowed suggests a shift in Obsidian's design philosophy, potentially extending to The Outer Worlds 2.

The Legacy of Non-Romance in The Outer Worlds

In line with tradition, The Outer Worlds featured companions integral to the narrative, each with an approval system dictating their allegiance to the player. However, consistent with Obsidian's approach, none of these companions were romanceable, reflecting the developer's emphasis on player agency.

While details on companion dynamics in The Outer Worlds 2 remain undisclosed, the trend indicates a continuation of non-romanceable companions unless official statements suggest otherwise. While a departure from this norm in The Outer Worlds 2 is conceivable, current indications suggest otherwise.