Discover Essential Pillars of Eternity Lore for Avowed Game

Unravel the intricate world of Eora before embarking on the Avowed adventure.
Discover Essential Pillars of Eternity Lore for Avowed Game


  • Uncover the mysteries surrounding Avowed, a new action RPG set in the Eora universe.
  • Explore the Aedyr Empire and the Living Lands, pivotal locations in the Avowed narrative.
  • Delve into animancy, the Wheel, and soul maladies, key magical elements shaping the world of Eora.

Delve into the realms of Eora as Avowed emerges as the latest installment in Obsidian Entertainment’s Pillars of Eternity franchise, blending fantasy with action RPG elements. Transitioning from its CRPG origins, this new first-person perspective promises wider appeal akin to The Elder Scrolls, potentially securing a long-lasting franchise. Despite its relative newness, Avowed’s Eora setting is rich with development, hinting at a promising future for the series.

The timeline of Avowed remains a mystery, leaving players to speculate whether it precedes or follows the events of Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire. This distinction holds significant implications for the storyline, possibly shedding light on the enigmatic plague affecting the Living Lands, or exploring events before or during the prior games. Rooted in foundational lore, Avowed is poised to build upon established concepts, ensuring a deep and immersive experience upon release.

Unraveling the Aedyr Empire and the Living Lands

The Aedyr Empire, originating from a tropical continent bearing its name, emerged from the union of human tribes and the elven realm of Kulkin. Once a dominant force in Eora, the empire's strength waned following territorial losses like the Dyrwood in the Eastern Reach. The untamed expanse of the Living Lands, featured in Avowed, presents a lawless frontier of varied landscapes and settlements, offering players a chance to expand Aedyr's influence. Prior glimpses of Aedyr and the Living Lands in past titles hint at a rich tapestry awaiting exploration in Avowed.

Notable Races From Pillars of Eternity Absent in Avowed

While Avowed limits character choices to humans and elves, the Pillars series featured a diverse array of races likely to appear as companions or NPCs. Elves embody mystical seclusion, Dwarves are renowned travelers, and halflings, known as Orlans, boast a unique appearance reminiscent of creatures. The Aumaua, a fish-like race prominent in Avowed teasers, and the Godlike, entities designed to store soul energy for their divine creators, add further depth to the world.

Unveiling Animancy, The Wheel, and Soul Afflictions

Eora's distinctive magic includes animancy, the manipulation of souls, linked to the Wheel, the cycle of life governing soul reincarnation. This cosmic mechanism predates the gods and empowered the Engwithans to ascend to godhood. Soul afflictions stem from disruptions in the Wheel, leading to damaged or absent souls, a condition seen in Vessels, the undead whose souls fail to return to the cycle.

The Influence of Eora’s Deities

Central to the Pillars lore are the gods, pivotal in shaping past events. Eothas, the god of light, and Woedica, the deity of law, feature prominently, with revelations in Pillars exposing their artificial origins and Eothas challenging their dominion over souls. The repercussions of these revelations, including the threat of soulless births (Hollowborn), cast a shadow over Eora's future, awaiting resolution in the upcoming narrative.