Integrating Pillars of Eternity's Legacy into Avowed

Exploring how Avowed can seamlessly incorporate the well-established aspects and lore of Obsidian's Pillars of Eternity series.
Integrating Pillars of Eternity's Legacy into Avowed


  • Avowed, inspired by Pillars of Eternity lore, offers a new high fantasy adventure within a familiar FPS open-world setup.
  • While Avowed welcomes new players, paying homage to its Pillars of Eternity roots can enhance the narrative for fans old and new alike.
  • Drawing from elements like the Aedyr Empire and the Living Lands, Avowed has the opportunity to organically intertwine Pillars of Eternity's foundations into its gameplay and storytelling.

Obsidian Entertainment's Avowed is poised to immerse players in its enchanting fantasy realm in the upcoming release. While comparisons to games like Skyrim have been drawn, Avowed finds its origins in the CRPG Pillars of Eternity series by the same studio, known for its intricate setting, history, and lore. Unlike Obsidian's past works such as Fallout: New Vegas and The Outer Worlds, the Pillars series ventured into different territory, setting the stage for Avowed's blend of Pillars lore with a fresh FPS open-world approach.

While familiarity with Pillars of Eternity is not a prerequisite for enjoying Avowed, acknowledging its lineage can enrich the experience for both seasoned followers and newcomers. It's essential for Avowed to honor the intricate world-building of Pillars that serves as the foundation for many elements in the new game.

Embracing Pillars of Eternity's Influence in Avowed

Building Upon Pillars of Eternity's Rich Tapestry

The realm of Eora in Pillars of Eternity delves into unique and mysterious corners of the fantasy genre. Key aspects like the magic system, cultural dynamics, and factional interactions established in Pillars are likely to echo in Avowed, threading a connection between the two. Significant plotlines and unresolved mysteries from the Pillars series could potentially influence Avowed's narrative.

The presence of the Aedyr Empire, a central faction in Avowed, carries over from Pillars of Eternity, shaping the historical backdrop of Eora. While the specific era of Avowed remains undisclosed, unresolved events like the cliffhanger in Pillars of Eternity: Deadfire may find subtle nods in the new game, strengthening the lore connection between them.

Infusing Avowed with Pillars of Eternity's Essence

In Avowed, players step into the shoes of an Aedyr envoy investigating a devastating plague with hidden perils. This premise directly ties back to PoE's thematic elements through the Empire's involvement. Additionally, the game's setting in the enigmatic Living Lands, briefly mentioned in Pillars of Eternity, offers a fresh canvas for expansion and exploration.

Balancing accessibility with reverence for its origins, Avowed aims to integrate these elements seamlessly, providing deeper insights into both Pillars of Eternity and itself. By weaving the legacy of Pillars into its fabric, Avowed strives to elevate the lore while crafting a compelling standalone experience.