Avowed Unveiled: Exciting Features Explored

Discover the intriguing features awaiting in Avowed, a new RPG by Obsidian Entertainment, promising a unique gameplay experience in the fantasy realm.
Avowed Unveiled: Exciting Features Explored


  • Embark on a fantasy RPG journey in Avowed, set in the world of Pillars of Eternity, with engaging choices and diverse combat strategies.
  • Choose between a Human or Elf character, venture into the Living Lands, and shape the storyline with meaningful decisions in Avowed.
  • Experience a rich combat system and multiple narrative outcomes based on player choices, ensuring a fresh RPG adventure in the realm of Eora.

Obsidian Entertainment, known for The Outer Worlds and Pillars of Eternity, is crafting a new epic, Avowed, a fantasy RPG brimming with potential. Initially drawing parallels to The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, Avowed has scaled back slightly but remains a promising venture beyond mere map size.

Avowed boasts a host of confirmed features, blending Obsidian's signature elements with classic RPG traits like character customization, choice-driven narratives, and companion dynamics.

Delving into Avowed's Features

Immerse in the World of Eora from Pillars of Eternity

Central to Avowed is the universe of Pillars of Eternity, specifically Eora. Unlike The Outer Worlds, Avowed unfolds in the same realm as Pillars of Eternity, where players embody an Aedyr Empire envoy investigating a mysterious plague in the Living Lands. This journey offers exploration, unique foes, alliances, and the unraveling of the land's secrets.

Craft Your Human or Elf Avatar in Avowed

Enthusiasts can revel in character creation in Avowed, albeit limited to Humans or Elves due to the game's lore. Despite this constraint, players can traverse Eora with a character of their own design.

Engage in Versatile Combat Tactics in Avowed

Beyond its narrative depth and companion system, Avowed shines in combat mechanics. Similar to The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, players enjoy diverse skills catering to various playstyles, allowing weapon mixing for adaptable strategies.

Choices Drive the Narrative in Avowed

Player decisions steer Avowed's storyline and subplots, influencing multiple endings akin to The Outer Worlds, emphasizing the importance of choices in shaping the game's outcome.

Recruit Diverse Companions in Avowed

As expected, Avowed offers a companion system for players to enlist allies throughout the game. Although romance options are excluded due to technical and budget constraints, the journey is enriched by diverse companion interactions.

Anticipation brews for Obsidian's latest creation, Avowed, potentially a fantasy counterpart to Outer Worlds, blending familiar elements with a promise of a distinctive gaming escapade.