Achieving Balance: The Importance of Light and Dark Environments in Avowed

Exploring the significance of incorporating both bright and dark settings in Obsidian's upcoming game.
Achieving Balance: The Importance of Light and Dark Environments in Avowed


  • Avowed's success hinges on blending vibrant visuals with darker environments for a well-rounded gaming experience.
  • Darker settings in fantasy games offer unique challenges and rewards, complementing the allure of brighter landscapes.
  • Including a variety of dark environments can enhance player engagement and prevent visual fatigue in Avowed's world.

Avowed, the highly anticipated new game from Obsidian Entertainment, creators of Pillars of Eternity and The Outer Worlds, is generating excitement for its upcoming release in fall 2024. Following its debut at the Xbox Developer Direct event, fans eagerly shared feedback, prompting Obsidian to enhance various aspects, including combat mechanics.

While details about Avowed's world remain scarce, more is expected to be unveiled as the launch date approaches. Although the glimpses so far showcase bright, colorful environments typical of fantasy settings, it's crucial for Avowed to include darker elements given its fantasy genre roots.

The Balance Between Light and Dark

Dark Environments Enhance RPG Experiences

Contrary to the enchanting appeal of bright landscapes, darker settings play a pivotal role in the fantasy genre. Treacherous caves teeming with adversaries and hidden treasures offer immersive respites within fantastical realms, a concept prevalent in acclaimed RPG series like The Elder Scrolls and Baldur's Gate. The thrill of exploring mysterious darkness in role-playing games underscores the importance of incorporating such environments in Avowed.

In RPGs and action-adventures, caves and dungeons often present optional challenges with rewarding outcomes, enticing players to navigate through shadowy terrains using light sources. Avowed can draw inspiration from successful titles like The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, which excelled in its subterranean exploration, offering rich rewards. By integrating similar mechanics, Avowed can provide players with engaging opportunities in its darker realms.

Ensuring Diversity to Prevent Fatigue

Integrating a variety of dark environments in Avowed is essential to prevent visual monotony and player exhaustion. Continual exposure to uniform landscapes risks blending the game's visuals, potentially diminishing player satisfaction. Dark settings not only offer a stark contrast to bright scenes but also elevate the appeal of well-lit areas, especially if they present greater challenges. The balance between light and dark environments in Avowed remains a crucial aspect for sustaining player interest.

While trailers have hinted at the presence of dark locales in Avowed, their impact on gameplay and player engagement will only be fully realized upon the game's release. Fans can anticipate Obsidian infusing Avowed with the same depth and allure seen in their previous works, promising an immersive world that embraces both light and dark elements.