The Aumaua Race in Avowed Unveiled

Exploring the unique Aumaua race within the world of Avowed, a diverse fantasy universe featuring various races, including the aquatic Aumaua.
The Aumaua Race in Avowed Unveiled


  • Avowed introduces humans and elves as playable races, diverging from fan expectations for more character variety.
  • Aumaua, a semi-aquatic race showcased in Avowed, consists of distinct sub-races: Island Aumaua from Deadfire and Coastal Aumaua from Northern Eora.
  • Obsidian introduces Kai, a prominent Aumaua companion in Avowed, hinting at his military background and support role in battles.

In the world of fantasy RPGs, players often encounter a diverse array of unique races with distinct characteristics. While titles like Skyrim and Baldur's Gate 3 offer a wide range of playable races, the highly-anticipated RPG Avowed by Obsidian takes a different approach, limiting players to choosing between humans and elves.

Set in the Aedyr Empire, Avowed may have disappointed some fans with this restricted choice. However, the game is set to delve into various races and cultures, drawing from the rich lore of the Pillars of Eternity series, with which it shares a universe. Among these races, the Aumaua stand out as a prominent focus, portraying semi-aquatic beings existing in Eora for millennia.

Unveiling Avowed and the Aumaua Race from Pillars of Eternity

Deciphering the Island and Coastal Aumaua Variations

The Aumaua populace, dispersed across Eora, primarily divides into two groups: Island Aumaua and Coastal Aumaua. While both share physical traits like webbed appendages, pointed ears, and sharp teeth, their distinguishing feature lies in their skin color. Island Aumaua exhibit darker hues such as green or brown, whereas Coastal Aumaua boast vivid blues and greens.

Originating from distinct regions, Island Aumaua hail from the Deadfire Archipelago, while Coastal Aumaua inhabit the coastal regions of Northern Eora. Despite individual agency, these sub-races often gravitate towards specific professions over generations. Island Aumaua favor maritime roles like fishing, while Coastal Aumaua commonly engage in mercenary or military endeavors.

In the Pillars of Eternity series, Aumaua characters gain inherent bonuses based on their sub-races. For instance, Coastal Aumaua in the first game receive heightened stun defense through the Towering Physique ability, while Island Aumaua excel in wielding multiple weapons due to the Armed to the Teeth trait. In Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire, Coastal Aumaua gain resistance against Might status effects, and Island Aumaua become immune to movement hindrances.

Insight into Avowed's Aumaua Companion

Obsidian has kept details about the companions in Avowed relatively under wraps. However, a notable Aumaua companion named Kai has emerged as a focal character. Hailing from the Coastal Aumaua faction, Kai features prominently in Avowed's gameplay trailer, hinting at his military background. It is anticipated that Kai will play a crucial role in supporting the player character throughout their adventures and battles.