How Avowed Can Differentiate Itself in the Competitive ARPG Market

Exploring strategies for Avowed to stand out in the ARPG genre amidst tough competition.
How Avowed Can Differentiate Itself in the Competitive ARPG Market


  • Avowed can leverage comparisons to establish its unique identity in the ARPG landscape.
  • Drawing inspiration from successful titles like Lies of P and Bloodborne can help Avowed carve its niche.
  • Obsidian has the opportunity to capitalize on the hype surrounding Avowed while setting it apart from existing ARPGs.

As we approach the midpoint of 2024, the gaming industry is abuzz with anticipation for upcoming releases. Among these is Obsidian's highly awaited project, Avowed. While its exact launch date remains uncertain, comparisons to established action-RPGs are already surfacing, setting a high bar for Avowed to distinguish itself.

The parallels drawn between Avowed and Bethesda's renowned games are inevitable, given Obsidian's track record with titles like The Outer Worlds and Fallout: New Vegas. In a market saturated with fantasy action-RPGs, embracing these comparisons could actually work in Avowed's favor, allowing it to leverage its genre influences for a stronger impact.

Embracing Genre Comparisons: A Lesson from Lies of P and Bloodborne

Lies of P defied expectations by incorporating elements from the Soulslike genre while adding its own unique twist, much like Avowed aims to do within the ARPG realm. Despite initial comparisons to Bloodborne, Lies of P managed to stand out, showcasing the importance of embracing genre influences while maintaining originality.

Similarly, Avowed finds itself in a competitive landscape, intertwined with the Pillars of Eternity universe. While navigating player expectations can be challenging, Obsidian can use these comparisons to its advantage, setting Avowed apart while honoring its genre roots.

Setting a New Standard: The Evolution of ARPGs

Unlike indie titles like Lies of P, Avowed benefits from Obsidian's established reputation in the gaming industry. Drawing inspiration from iconic titles like Skyrim, Avowed has the potential to redefine the fantasy action-RPG experience.

In a market oversaturated with similar titles, Avowed can use existing comparisons to fuel its development, creating a game that not only meets but surpasses player expectations. By embracing its genre influences while introducing innovative elements, Avowed can carve its own path in the competitive ARPG landscape.