Avoiding Mistakes: The Division Resurgence Learns from COD: Mobile

Learn how The Division Resurgence is making sure it avoids the pitfalls of controller support, unlike COD: Mobile.
Avoiding Mistakes: The Division Resurgence Learns from COD: Mobile


  • Controller support can provide accessibility but may create an uneven playing field in PvP activities.
  • Separating controller users from players using built-in mobile controls is crucial for ensuring a fair PvP experience.
  • Proper game balancing is essential to retain and attract players, safeguarding the future of the franchise.

Right now, fans of Tom Clancy’s The Division games have a lot to look forward to, with new games on the horizon and fresh content for The Division 2 on the way. Amidst this excitement, the upcoming mobile game The Division Resurgence is set to be an exciting addition to the franchise. However, it must learn from the missteps of another well-known mobile game.

The Division Resurgence can take a valuable lesson from its predecessors – controller support can be a double-edged sword. While enhancing accessibility, it can also create an unfair advantage in PvP activities. This is a mistake that COD: Mobile has made, and The Division Resurgence needs to ensure it does not follow suit.

Understanding the Impact of Controller Support on Mobile PvP Games

Controller support is a sought-after feature in mobile games, offering comfort and accessibility for players. Given its recurring presence in The Division franchise, it makes sense for The Division Resurgence to continue this tradition, even as a mobile game. However, this valuable feature comes with its own set of challenges.

The primary issue with integrating controller support in a mobile game is its potential impact on PvP game modes. To mitigate this, mobile PvP games should consider separating controller users from those utilizing built-in mobile controls, ensuring an equitable playing field without compromising the accessibility of controller support.

In games like COD: Mobile, players using a controller can significantly sway the outcome of casual PvP activities, creating a divisive and often frustrating experience for others. With the return of the Darkzone PvP mode in The Division Resurgence, it is crucial for the game to address this issue to prevent a similar negative impact on its community.

Avoiding Critical Errors

As The Division and The Division 2 still retain a dedicated player base despite the absence of major content releases, The Division Resurgence holds significant importance as the franchise's potential introduction to new fans and a reengagement point for existing followers. This dual responsibility presents a substantial challenge for The Division Resurgence.

The game's success leading up to the release of The Division Heartland hinges on its ability to achieve balanced gameplay. Failure to do so risks alienating players and could potentially jeopardize the future of this beloved franchise. Given the controversies surrounding controller support in COD: Mobile, The Division Resurgence must consider its implications carefully to ensure a positive PvP experience.

The Division Resurgence is currently in development for mobile devices.