Best to Steer Clear: Cyberpunk 2077's Most Underwhelming Weapons

Cyberpunk offers a variety of weapons, but not all of them are worth your time. Check out these duds to avoid disappointment.
Best to Steer Clear: Cyberpunk 2077's Most Underwhelming Weapons


  • Steer clear of lackluster weapons like the Projectile Launch System and Chaos for a more satisfying gameplay experience.
  • Opt for common weapons that level up with you, such as Carmen, over iconic ones that have been nerfed.
  • Avoid using joke weapons like the Slaught-O-Matic, which offer limited utility and poor stats.

Cyberpunk 2077 may not be a looter-shooter, but it boasts a plethora of firearms. Prior to Patch 2.1, certain weapons outshone the rest. Following recent updates by CD Projekt Red, numerous buffs and nerfs have been implemented to balance the game's arsenal. Today, a weapon's effectiveness hinges as much on V's build as on its stats.

While the overall weapon balance has improved, iconic weapons have suffered significant nerfs, rendering many of them obsolete. Conversely, common weapons found on the streets scale to match the player's level, making them more practical. Despite these improvements, there are still some lackluster weapons in Cyberpunk 2077 with unimpressive special effects, low stats, or simply lacking in fun factor.

10 Projectile Launch System

Explosive Cyberware

The Projectile Launch System may spark debates but ranks low due to its limited appeal. While using this cyberware can be entertaining, unlocking its full potential necessitates a specific build. Compared to more versatile cyberware options, the PLS restricts gameplay to a one-shot strategy, diminishing its overall appeal.

9 Problem Solver

Pray And Spray

The Problem Solver, an iconic variant of the Militech M221 Saratoga, boasts an extended clip and enhanced fire rate. However, its handling and reload speed suffer due to its unique modifier, impacting its effectiveness at longer ranges. With the right perks, it can be marginally useful in close-quarters combat scenarios.

8 Carmen

Wants To Be Something Else

Obtained by aiding Paco and Babs, Carmen offers a unique modifier that boosts damage and critical hit chance based on movement speed. While effective with SMGs or shotguns, its lackluster damage and high fire rate make it less appealing on assault rifles. Despite being decent, there are superior alternatives to Carmen in the game.

7 Carnage

An Underwhelming Boomstick

The Carnage shotgun's multi-projectile design delivers decent damage, albeit with a slow rate of fire and reload speed, hampering its combat efficiency. Its heavy nature restricts mobility, making it suboptimal for agile playstyles. Alternatives like Rebecca's Guts offer superior performance in a similar category.

6 Hammer

Not Enough Punch

The Hammer, despite its appealing aesthetics and unique moves, falls short as a blunt weapon due to its mediocre damage output and high stamina consumption. Its sluggish attack speed and mobility penalties make it less favorable for melee-focused builds. Players are advised to explore alternative melee weapons for better results.

5 Plan B

Wasting Money

Plan B, an iconic pistol that consumes Eurodollars as ammo, offers an increased magazine size but lacks in speed and damage. With plentiful ammo availability in the game, there are more effective handgun options to consider. Focusing on improving aim rather than relying on Plan B is recommended for players seeking better combat performance.