Avoid These Terrible Passive Skills in Palworld

Players need to steer clear of the following passive skills to ensure success in Palworld.
Avoid These Terrible Passive Skills in Palworld


  • Pals in Palworld possess unique passive skills, ranging from beneficial buffs to detrimental debuffs that impact combat and hunger levels.
  • Avoid Pals with negative skills such as Coward or Bottomless Stomach to prevent combat or food-related challenges.
  • Passive skills like Pacifist or Slacker can significantly impede a Pal's effectiveness, reducing their value in work or combat situations.

When players capture their first Pal in Palworld, they will discover that each Pal comes with a set of passive skills randomly assigned to them. These passive skills, ranging from 0 to 4 per Pal, are active from the moment of capture and are rated on a tier system from 3 to -3. Unfortunately, many of these passive skills tend to offer debuffs rather than buffs.

Exploring the Palpagos Islands, players should aim to avoid certain passive skills that could hinder their Pal's performance. While sometimes unavoidable, these passive skills are considered the worst as they make the affected Pal less effective rather than enhancing their abilities. If a Pal possesses more than two of these detrimental skills, players should reconsider using it for breeding.

7 Mercy Hit

Can't Finish Off Opponents

  • Tier: -1
  • Effect: Prevents reducing a target's health below 1

Finding a Pal with the Mercy Hit passive skill can be frustrating. This skill prevents the Pal from delivering the final blow to an opponent, requiring another entity to finish the job.

While inconvenient, this skill can be beneficial in preventing accidental deaths when capturing a Pal. Players may opt to craft and utilize the Ring of Mercy, offering a similar effect.

6 Glutton

Will Need Feeding More Often Than Most

  • Tier: -1
  • Effect: Satiety drops 10% faster

The Glutton skill increases a Pal's hunger rate, necessitating more frequent feeding. Hunger negatively impacts attack and defense stats by 20%, limiting the Pal's combat efficiency.

Glutton is a natural skill for the Relaxaurus, one of the superior Pals in the game. Players should hope that this skill is not compounded with other negative skills upon capturing the Relaxaurus.