The Mightiest Metalbenders in Avatar Universe

Exploring the exceptional skills of the most powerful Metalbenders in the world of Avatar
The Mightiest Metalbenders in Avatar Universe


  • Metalbending, a unique bending technique, was pioneered by Toph Beifong and passed down through her lineage.
  • Metalbending is utilized for healing and unlocking painful memories, as demonstrated by practitioners like Guo.
  • Prominent figures like Suyin Beifong and Avatar Korra exemplify the prowess and adaptability of Metalbending abilities.

Often termed as specialized bending techniques, these skills are unique abilities that certain bending masters can harness in the Avatar universe.

One of the most notable sub-skills is Metalbending, first discovered by Toph Beifong during her time with Team Avatar. She remains a formidable Metalbender in The Last Airbender and its sequel, The Legend of Korra, with her family members also mastering this art.

7 Guo

Mastering Healing Through Metalbending

Despite being a healer, Guo showcased remarkable Metalbending skills by using acupuncture to treat individuals like Lin Beifong, enhancing chi flow and addressing past traumas.

Residing in Zaofou, where Metalbending was prevalent, Guo's methods resembled those of Waterbending healers, focusing on memory restoration and energy balance.

6 Aiwei

Secrets and Betrayal in Metalbending

Aiwei, a trusted leader in Zaofu, concealed his allegiance to the Red Lotus while leveraging his Metalbending abilities to aid the organization, eventually leading to significant consequences.

His betrayal allowed Zaheer's group to infiltrate the city, showcasing the impact of Metalbending in covert operations before his eventual capture.

5 Suyin Beifong

Architect of Zaofu and Metalbending Mentor

As the daughter of Toph Beifong, Suyin utilized her Metalbending expertise to establish Zaofu, a renowned sanctuary for Metalbenders, while also training a new generation of benders.

Her contributions extended beyond city-building; Suyin's teaching influenced her offspring and even Avatar Korra, showcasing the evolution and impact of Metalbending.