Legendary Artist Kazuma Kaneko Leaves Atlus After 35-Year Stint

Renowned illustrator behind Atlus' long-standing Shin Megami Tensei series bids farewell after three and a half decades.
Legendary Artist Kazuma Kaneko Leaves Atlus After 35-Year Stint


  • Kazuma Kaneko, the iconic 'Demon Artist' at Atlus, parts ways after 35 years, leaving behind a legacy of striking demon designs.
  • Kaneko embarks on a new journey to create his own intellectual property in collaboration with Colopl.
  • Although his exit may introduce changes in future game aesthetics, his creative influence is expected to endure.

Iconic character and creature designer Kazuma Kaneko, known as the prominent 'Demon Artist' at Atlus, has announced his departure from the company after an impressive 35-year tenure. Kaneko, recognized for his captivating illustrations of mythical beings from diverse global cultures, has been an integral part of Atlus since 1988.

Throughout his career, Kaneko significantly shaped Atlus' JRPG series, particularly the Shin Megami Tensei franchise. Not only did he craft the designs for many of the series' iconic demons, but he also played a crucial role in defining the universe of the franchise and its popular offshoots like the beloved Persona series and the revered Devil Summoner games. While Kaneko also delved into designing human characters and gained renown for his modern fashion sensibilities, his dark and intriguing demon creations, often inspired by real-world cultures and historical elements, stood out prominently.

Fans of the Shin Megami Tensei series and its derivatives widely acknowledge Kaneko's distinctive artistic style as a cornerstone of the franchise's identity. Therefore, the news of his departure during an interview with Colopl came as a surprise to many. In the interview, Kaneko revealed his plans to switch studios since 2023 and even enlisted a job transition consultant to facilitate the move.

Although Kaneko did not elaborate extensively on his decision to leave after dedicating over three decades to Shin Megami Tensei, he expressed a desire to take a leap and craft an original intellectual property. He has now joined forces with Colopl's development team to kickstart a fresh franchise. However, details regarding his new project remain under wraps.

Kazuma Kaneko's Enduring Impact on Shin Megami Tensei

While the esteemed Demon Artist has bid adieu to Atlus, his legacy as a key architect of the dark and gritty world within the Shin Megami Tensei series is poised to endure in forthcoming games and spin-offs. Fans can also find solace in the fact that Kaneko's influence lives on through his protege, Shigenori Soejima, who continues to collaborate with Atlus and is presently involved in the development of the upcoming mobile spin-off, Persona 5: The Phantom X.

The repercussions of Kaneko's departure on the future titles of Shin Megami Tensei remain uncertain. While it may open doors for younger artists to infuse fresh perspectives into the series' iconic designs, there's a looming possibility that the franchise could lose a vital essence of its identity and artistic flair without the guidance of a seasoned illustrator.