Reimagining Assassin's Creed Mirage's Assassin's Focus for AC Red

Exploring the potential return of Assassin's Focus in the upcoming AC Red and why it deserves a second chance.
Reimagining Assassin's Creed Mirage's Assassin's Focus for AC Red


  • Assassin's Creed Mirage reintroduced core elements of the series, emphasizing a smaller world, story-driven gameplay, and a renewed focus on stealth mechanics.
  • The contentious Assassin's Focus skill in Assassin's Creed Mirage enabled swift consecutive assassinations, sparking debate over its place in the game.
  • The feudal Japan setting of Assassin's Creed Red presents a compelling opportunity for the revival of Assassin's Focus, aligning with the game's theme and offering innovative combat strategies.

As the most recent addition to the treasured Assassin's Creed series, Assassin's Creed Mirage brought the franchise back to its origins, emphasizing a more intimate world, story-driven gameplay, and a renewed emphasis on the stealth mechanics that define the series. Alongside this renewed focus on stealth emerged a polarizing new ability known as Assassin's Focus, which allowed Basim to swiftly eliminate multiple enemies in succession. This ability has since become a primary method for players to execute their most skillful assassinations in the game. However, due to the controversy surrounding the skill, its potential return to the series remains uncertain, though not entirely implausible.

While Ubisoft, the developer, has not yet confirmed the release date for its upcoming Japan-themed title, codenamed Assassin's Creed Red, it has garnered significant anticipation among dedicated Assassin's Creed enthusiasts. Little information has been disclosed about the game at this stage, including any new Assassin abilities that may be introduced. Nevertheless, a case can be made for the reintroduction of Assassin's Creed Mirage's divisive Assassin's Focus ability, particularly when considering the setting of Assassin's Creed Red and the characters likely to inhabit it.

AC Mirage's Assassin's Focus: A Fitting Addition to AC Red

Initial Criticism of the Assassin's Focus Ability Failed to Deter Its Appeal

The Assassin's Focus ability in Assassin's Creed Mirage was arguably one of the most controversial Assassin abilities in the series, initially appearing to defy the laws of physics, leaving many observers perplexed upon its first unveiling. Essentially, it enabled Basim Ibn Ishaq, the game's protagonist, to chain up to five kills by slowing time and swiftly maneuvering between each enemy. Much of the criticism stemmed from fans of Monolith Productions' Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor, as the Assassin's Focus skill bore striking resemblance to Talion's Shadow Strike Chain ability.

Other critics of Assassin's Focus suggested that the ability seemed somewhat unrealistic for Basim, thus appearing incongruous in the world of Assassin's Creed. In response, Ubisoft issued a statement defending the ability, asserting that it was justified by Basim's skill and proficiency. Basim was evidently such a skilled Assassin that the Animus, which processes the actions of each game's protagonist through memories, struggled to keep up with his movements, resulting in time dilation and Basim's body flickering in and out of transparency as if he had become a specter. Many fans have embraced this explanation and have since thoroughly enjoyed the ability.

Assassin's Focus: A Natural Fit for Assassin's Creed Red

With the dissipation of criticism surrounding Assassin's Focus, it is arguably one of the series' most compelling abilities and a feature that should be reintroduced in Assassin's Creed Red. Firstly, the feudal Japan setting of Assassin's Creed Red presents a prime opportunity for the full potential of Assassin's Focus to be showcased.

In a similar vein, it resonates with Ghost of Tsushima's Standoff Streak ability, which allows Jin Sakai, the protagonist of Ghost of Tsushima, to chain up to five kills during a standoff. Given that Ghost of Tsushima was also set in feudal Japan and received minimal criticism for its abilities, Assassin's Focus would similarly find a suitable home in Assassin's Creed Red.

Lastly, the Assassin's Focus ability has empowered players to devise highly innovative methods of defeating their adversaries, evident across platforms such as YouTube and other social media channels. Despite the release of Assassin's Creed MirageAssassin's Creed Red. The hope is that Ubisoft will take note of this and continue to incorporate it in forthcoming Assassin's Creed installments.