The Importance of Gameplay Balance: Why Assassin's Creed Opted to Remove the Crossbow

Exploring the decision to exclude the crossbow from the original Assassin's Creed and its impact on gameplay balance.
The Importance of Gameplay Balance: Why Assassin's Creed Opted to Remove the Crossbow


  • Removing the crossbow in the first Assassin's Creed maintained gameplay balance and enhanced the core mechanics.
  • The introduction of the crossbow in AC Brotherhood led to gameplay imbalance, trivializing challenges for players.
  • Ubisoft's upcoming showcase may unveil new Assassin's Creed projects, offering fans exciting details to anticipate.

Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed series has been a cornerstone of the stealth-action genre since its debut in 2008. Over the years, the franchise has evolved through numerous titles and spin-offs, expanding its lore, characters, and gameplay elements to engage players.

While the early Assassin's Creed games started with a limited scope, they progressively grew into vast open-world adventures. With each installment, a variety of weapons beyond the iconic hidden blade were introduced for players to wield. Interestingly, a weapon initially intended for the first game did not make the final cut. Promotional materials for AC 1 featured Altair with a crossbow, sparking fan excitement, but the weapon was absent in the released version. However, omitting the crossbow turned out to be a wise decision for the game's overall balance.

The Significance of Removing the Crossbow in Assassin's Creed

Role of the Crossbow in Assassin's Creed and Similar Games

The crossbow, a popular choice in various games for its versatility and appeal, was historically relevant during the era of the 12th century Crusades depicted in the first Assassin's Creed. Although fitting the timeline, the crossbow's mechanics clashed with the core gameplay and style of the Assassins. Playtesting revealed that the crossbow disrupted game difficulty and was consequently excluded from the final release.

The absence of the crossbow encouraged players to engage closely with targets, enhancing cinematic moments and dialogues during confrontations. Instead of the crossbow, Assassin's Creed 1 featured throwing knives as a long-range alternative, balancing lethality and gameplay dynamics effectively.

The Pitfalls of an Overpowered Crossbow in Assassin's Creed

In subsequent titles like AC Brotherhood, the crossbow's introduction posed challenges to gameplay balance. The weapon's overpowered nature allowed for silent, long-range kills with ease, overshadowing the strategic approach required in other combat scenarios. Its one-hit-kill capability and abundant ammo undermined the intended game design, reducing the overall challenge for players. While AC Brotherhood incorporated other innovative weapons, none matched the disruptive impact of the crossbow, justifying its exclusion from the original game.

Ubisoft's decision to prioritize fair and engaging gameplay experiences by omitting the crossbow set a precedent for future titles. As fans await Ubisoft's upcoming showcase, anticipation builds for new Assassin's Creed projects that promise a blend of exciting gameplay mechanics and balanced challenges.