Assassin's Creed 2: Unfulfilled Modern-Day Gameplay Potential

Exploring the gap between the promise and delivery of modern-day gameplay in Assassin's Creed 2.
Assassin's Creed 2: Unfulfilled Modern-Day Gameplay Potential


  • Assassin's Creed 2 introduced significant improvements to modern-day gameplay but failed to sustain the momentum.
  • The modern-day storyline in subsequent games did not meet the high expectations set by AC2.
  • Players anticipated a more cohesive and engaging modern-day experience post-Assassin's Creed 2, but the execution has been inconsistent.

Assassin's Creed has evolved significantly from its origins as an action-adventure series, particularly with the release of Assassin's Creed 2. This sequel not only introduced the iconic character Ezio Auditore but also enhanced various aspects of its predecessor.

One of the standout changes in Assassin's Creed 2 was the evolution of its modern-day gameplay. Unlike its predecessor, where modern-day segments felt like a slowdown in pace, the sequel transformed these sections by empowering the protagonist, Desmond, with combat skills and agility mirroring his ancestors.

Assassin's Creed 2: Struggling to Deliver on Promise

The Unfulfilled Potential of the Bleeding Effect Plot

In Assassin's Creed 2, Desmond's journey is propelled by the 'bleeding effect,' a concept where Animus users assimilate ancestral abilities. This narrative device not only influenced gameplay mechanics but also heightened the urgency of the modern-day plot, portraying Desmond as a formidable fighter supported by proactive allies.

Initially, it seemed like the series might culminate in a modern-day climax or explore more ambitious narrative arcs. However, as the Ezio storyline concluded, Desmond's narrative took a different turn, eventually sidelining him from the franchise.

Managing Expectations: The Modern-Day Disappointment

While modern-day storytelling has not been a highlight of the series, Assassin's Creed 2 hinted at a potential shift towards a more cinematic and engaging modern-day experience. Subsequent titles, however, scaled back on modern-day gameplay, with some even opting for cutscenes to convey that part of the narrative.

Despite the preference of many fans for historical settings, Assassin's Creed 2 raised hopes for a compelling modern-day narrative, only to see it fluctuate in subsequent releases. Establishing consistent expectations early on could have fostered a more coherent modern-day storyline within the franchise.