Exclusive Insights into Apex Legends Season 21: Alter Unveiled

Discover the latest updates on Alter and Season 21 straight from Respawn Entertainment developers!
Exclusive Insights into Apex Legends Season 21: Alter Unveiled


  • Insights into the creation of Alter and her unique abilities
  • Changes to the Broken Moon map and the introduction of the Containment Zone
  • Updates on Solos gameplay and the addition of Battle Sense feature

Apex Legends has maintained its position as a popular battle royale game, preparing to transition from its current season to Season 21. Respawn Entertainment has packed Season 21 with a plethora of updates, ranging from the introduction of a new legend to addressing Broken Moon issues and enhancing Ranked gameplay.

In a recent interview with Apex Legends developers, Game Rant delved into all the Season 21 details, with a special focus on Alter, the new character. Narrative writer Jaclyn Seto and designer Ian Holstead shared insights into Alter's development, while a lineup of other developers discussed various aspects of the upcoming season. The following transcript offers a glimpse into the behind-the-scenes of Season 21.

Alter: Unveiled

Q: Unveiling Alter's Origins

Holstead: Alter's journey began with her breaching portal ability, initially conceived as her Ultimate. However, after several iterations, the team decided to shift it to a tactical ability due to gameplay challenges. Alter's design evolved through multiple prototypes, focusing on creating a character that resonates with players' gameplay experiences.

Seto: Crafting Alter's personality and backstory involved a collaborative effort among narrative, design, and art teams. The character's traits were tailored to enhance the overall gameplay experience, ensuring a seamless integration of her abilities with her persona.

Q: Evolution of Alter's Passive

Holstead: Refining Alter's passive ability involved numerous iterations to strike a balance between complexity and usability. Early versions proved too intricate or redundant, leading to a simplified yet impactful passive that complements her kit effectively.

Q: Villainous Charm of Alter

Seto: Alter's portrayal as a villainous character was a deliberate narrative choice to introduce a dynamic element to the Apex Legends universe. While not fundamentally different from standard characters, Alter's enigmatic persona adds a unique layer of intrigue to the game's lore.

Solos Revamped

Q: Resurgence of Solos

Button: The reintroduction of Solos stemmed from player demand and thematic alignment with Alter's narrative arc. The inclusion of Battle Sense in Solos enhances players' solo experiences by providing critical map and combat awareness, compensating for the absence of teammates.

Q: Battle Sense Unveiled

Button: Battle Sense in Solos augments players' situational awareness by alerting them to nearby threats within a 50-meter radius. This feature empowers players to make informed tactical decisions and adapt to combat scenarios effectively.

Q: Re-Queuing Mechanism

C4: Season 21 introduces re-queuing functionality across BR modes, enhancing players' matchmaking experience and streamlining gameplay transitions. The addition of Battle Sense and re-queuing reflects a concerted effort to optimize player engagement and enjoyment.

Broken Moon Reimagined

Q: Map Overhaul Objectives

Young: The redesign of Broken Moon aimed to address navigational challenges and enhance player interactions within key map areas. The introduction of the Containment Zone and strategic adjustments to existing points of interest promote a more immersive and dynamic gameplay environment.

Q: Promenade's Transformation

Young: The removal of Promenade in favor of the Containment Zone signifies a shift towards a more structured and engaging map layout. Players can expect a refined gameplay experience with enhanced tactical opportunities and reduced choke points, fostering creativity and strategic gameplay.

Q: Alien Eggs and Lore Integration

Young: The addition of Alien Eggs in the Containment Zone serves as a narrative backdrop, enriching the lore of Broken Moon's thematic elements. While players cannot interact with the eggs directly, their presence contributes to the immersive storytelling and visual aesthetics of the map.

Season 21 Excitement

Q: Developer Insights and Season 21

Nikolich: As Season 21 approaches, the Apex Legends team remains committed to enhancing player expression and gameplay diversity. The upcoming season promises a host of updates, spanning legend and weapon meta changes, ranked gameplay improvements, and map enhancements, culminating in Alter's highly anticipated debut.

Nikolich: Reflecting on Season 20's lessons, the team emphasizes combat speed and fairness, driven by simplified mechanics and strategic adjustments. Season 21 embodies a continuous evolution of the game's competitive landscape, setting the stage for engaging and dynamic gameplay experiences.

C4: Ranked mode enhancements in Season 21 focus on anti-cheating measures, revised rewards structure, and improved split timing, aligning with player feedback and competitive integrity. The Apex Legends team remains dedicated to delivering a balanced and rewarding ranked experience for all players.

Nikolich: Expressing gratitude to the player community, the developers look forward to Season 21's launch and the ongoing journey of innovation and player-centric design. With Alter's long-awaited debut and a host of gameplay enhancements, Season 21 promises to be a thrilling chapter in the Apex Legends saga.