Aggro Crab Developers: Another Crab's Treasure Shares Sekiro-Like Gameplay

Insights from Game Rant's interview with Aggro Crab on the combat mechanics resemblance between Another Crab's Treasure and Sekiro.
Aggro Crab Developers: Another Crab's Treasure Shares Sekiro-Like Gameplay


  • Another Crab's Treasure offers challenging boss battles akin to Sekiro's style.
  • The game emphasizes aggressive combat styles, unlike traditional Soulslike dodge mechanics.
  • Distinct lack of stamina system in Another Crab's Treasure sets it apart from typical Soulslike games.

Initially resembling light-hearted action platformers, Another Crab's Treasure surprises players with its serious Soulslike game mechanics that focus on defeating challenging bosses through mastery and rhythmic combat. The game's combat style shares similarities with Sekiro more than Dark Souls, requiring a reactive and aggressive approach.

Developing a combat system for a hermit crab protagonist posed challenges for Aggro Crab, leading to a gameplay centered around blocking and parrying with the shell. The emphasis on these defensive moves over dodging aligns the game closer to Sekiro's combat philosophy.

One significant departure from traditional Soulslike games is the absence of a stamina system in Another Crab's Treasure, favoring a faster-paced gameplay style where players can attack without limitations. This shift introduces a new level of risk and rewards players for strategic decision-making during combat.