Innovative Animal Crossing Gardens Crafted from Nintendo DS Shells

Discover the imaginative gardens intricately designed using Nintendo DS shells, showcasing beloved villagers in each unique creation.
Innovative Animal Crossing Gardens Crafted from Nintendo DS Shells


  • Animal Crossing enthusiasts showcase creativity with charming gardens made from Nintendo DS shells.
  • Fans appreciate the distinctive artwork and are relieved to learn that actual Nintendo DS systems were not harmed in the process.
  • Excitement grows among fans for the upcoming Animal Crossing release, as they continue to revel in the series' enchanting creativity.

A devoted Animal Crossing enthusiast has ingeniously crafted enchanting gardens using Nintendo DS shells. These delightful creations have captivated the attention of fellow Animal Crossing players, featuring some of the most beloved villagers in the series.

The world of Animal Crossing offers ample room for creativity, especially with the advent of Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Whether fans are meticulously designing their dream island or simply enjoying the company of their town villagers, many find joy in immersing themselves in the games. However, some enthusiasts go a step further by bringing their love for the series into the physical realm, producing unique and inventive artworks to pay homage to their favorite aspects of the games.

This is precisely exemplified by Reddit user Raeobeart, who recently shared a collection of their latest creations with the Animal Crossing community on Reddit. These six gardens are meticulously crafted from spare Nintendo DS shells, each showcasing some of the most adorable villagers in the Animal Crossing universe. Mabel, Molly, Marshal, Isabelle, Judy, and Dom are honored in these artistic pieces. Positioned atop the lower screen of the DS, each villager is surrounded by lush grasses, harmonizing flowers, and vibrant succulents. While these particular villagers were highlighted on this occasion, Raeobeart has previously featured various other Animal Crossing characters in their garden designs.

Enthusiastic Responses from Animal Crossing Fans

Fans have been charmed by the Nintendo DS gardens, with many expressing relief upon learning that genuine Nintendo DS systems were not sacrificed in the making of these creations. Some admirers have shown interest in purchasing these unique garden pieces, while others have inquired about the possibility of custom designs based on their favorite villagers. Raeobeart welcomed such requests through private messages. Additionally, a playful remark was made regarding Isabelle towering over her fellow villagers in the artworks.

Despite the widespread availability of Animal Crossing games on various modern Nintendo consoles, fans continue to hold dear certain editions. For many, Animal Crossing: Wild World, the Nintendo DS iteration of the series, remains a cherished favorite. As the game approaches its twentieth anniversary and online play becomes inaccessible through conventional means, fans eagerly anticipate the next installment in the Animal Crossing franchise. While the series has seen spin-offs and mobile versions in recent years, players are eagerly awaiting the unveiling of the next main title, which might coincide with the release of the anticipated Nintendo Switch 2.