Analyzing the Model 1887 Shotgun in The Finals

Exploring the strengths, weaknesses, pros, and cons of the Model 1887 shotgun in The Finals game.
Analyzing the Model 1887 Shotgun in The Finals


  • The Model 1887 shotgun is a situational weapon suitable for players with high accuracy skills.
  • It offers massive damage at close range with a lower bullet spread compared to other shotguns.
  • The slow fire rate of the Model 1887 can be a disadvantage if you miss your target.

When it comes to The Finals, having the right weapons can complement your strategy, skills, and quick reactions, potentially making up for any weaknesses. One intriguing find in the game is the Model 1887 shotgun, which poses the question of how effective it truly is in The Finals. This weapon's blend of classic close-quarters shotgun features with a relatively extended range makes it a compelling choice.

However, like any firearm in the game, the Model 1887 comes with its own set of strengths and weaknesses. Its bullet spread differs from what players may be accustomed to, adding a unique element to gameplay. To determine the weapon's efficacy, let's delve into a comprehensive analysis of its attributes.

Evaluating the Model 1887's Performance in The Finals

First and foremost, it's essential to recognize that the Model 1887 serves as a highly situational weapon within The Finals, making it a viable choice specifically for players boasting exceptional accuracy skills, particularly in the Medium build category. Priced at 800 VRs, acquiring this weapon shouldn't pose a significant challenge. However, if you seek consistent damage output or a more versatile arsenal for ease of use, the Model 1887 might not align with your preferences.

While this shotgun delivers substantial damage up close, its lower bullet spread sets it apart from its shotgun counterparts. While novice players may struggle to discern significant disparities between the Model 1887 and a standard slug weapon, the slightly wider bullet spread of this shotgun offers a distinct advantage. One notable drawback lies in its sluggish rate of fire, potentially resulting in swift defeat if your aim falters.

Despite its apparent shortcomings, the Model 1887 also boasts several strengths. The reduced bullet spread translates to higher damage potential upon hitting your target, enabling more efficient elimination of adversaries compared to alternative shotguns. With just two well-placed shots, you can dispatch nearly any Medium or Light-build opponent. Moreover, this shotgun exhibits a notably extended attack range, permitting engagements with foes from distances of 10-12 meters without compromising firepower.

So, is incorporating the Model 1887 into your gameplay worthwhile, and how does this weapon fare in The Finals? Undoubtedly, this weapon warrants experimentation during combat scenarios and can yield impressive results, particularly in coordinated team play where allies can provide cover during reload intervals. However, it's advisable to prioritize unlocking your preferred, reliable weapon initially or opt for a more versatile choice before accumulating VR points to access the Model 1887.