Discover New Adventures: 7 Games to Try If You Enjoy Balatro

Looking for games similar to Balatro? Explore these exciting alternatives for a fresh gaming experience.
Discover New Adventures: 7 Games to Try If You Enjoy Balatro


  • Experience a unique twist on poker with Balatro, reinventing traditional card games in a deck-builder roguelike format.
  • Discover deck-builder roguelikes like Void Tyrant and Slice & Dice that share similarities with Balatro, offering innovative gameplay inspired by different card games.
  • Embark on a journey in the roguelike world with Balatro's refreshing and enjoyable take on poker, perfect for newcomers to the genre.

Balatro offers a humorous take on a roguelike poker experience, deviating from traditional card game norms and introducing innovative gameplay elements. While it stands out as a unique deckbuilder, there are other games that provide a similar thrill for players looking to explore new adventures in the gaming world.

Discover a range of games that share the spirit of Balatro's unconventional approach to card games but offer distinctive gameplay experiences:

7 Void Tyrant

Immerse Yourself in Blackjack-Inspired Deck-Building

  • Platforms: PC, iOS, Android
  • Released: 2019-06-28
  • Developer: Quite Fresh Games
  • Genres: Roguelike, Deck-Builder

Void Tyrant presents a deck-builder roguelike experience with a twist of Blackjack-inspired gameplay. Players strategically draw cards to build up their attack power, adding a layer of decision-making to each encounter. This game offers a unique blend of strategy and chance, similar to the innovative approach of Balatro.

Explore these other captivating games that offer a fresh take on the roguelike genre:

6 Slice & Dice

Customize Your Dice in a Dungeon Crawling Adventure

  • Platforms: PC, iOS, Android
  • Released: 2021-06-16
  • Developers: Tann
  • Genre: Roguelike

Slice & Dice offers a unique dungeon crawling experience centered around customizable dice mechanics. Players can upgrade and modify dice faces to enhance their abilities, creating a personalized gameplay style. This game blends RPG elements with deck-building mechanics, providing a fresh and engaging gameplay loop for players.

5 Dark Mist

Survive Against Challenging Odds in a Punishing Deck-Builder

  • Platforms: PC, iOS, Android
  • Released: 2021-05-30
  • Developers: Pixel Cattle Games
  • Genres: Roguelike, Deck-Builder

Dark Mist presents a challenging deck-building experience where players must survive relentless waves of enemies. With a unique mechanic of enemies stealing cards, players face strategic decisions to overcome obstacles. This game offers a test of wit and skill, providing a different yet captivating gameplay experience akin to the thrill of Balatro.