Alone in the Dark 2024: A New Take on a Classic Horror Game

Exploring the flaws and charms of the latest Alone in the Dark installment.
Alone in the Dark 2024: A New Take on a Classic Horror Game


  • Campy narrative with an amusing conclusion but lacking in genuine scares and replay value.
  • Enjoyable exploration of Derceto marred by generic foes and weak combat mechanics.
  • Subpar performances, irksome bugs, simplistic puzzles, and short gameplay detract from the overall experience.

The original Alone in the Dark is hailed as a pioneering video game that shaped the survival-horror genre. However, the series' subsequent releases have struggled to live up to this legacy, and the 2024 iteration is no exception.

Instead of a mere remake, the new Alone in the Dark opts for a 'reimagining' approach, revisiting the iconic Derceto mansion and protagonists Edward Carnby and Emily Hartwood. While the plot echoes the original in places, it predominantly weaves a new narrative filled with supernatural terrors.

Offering players the choice between Carnby and Hartwood, a nod to the series' roots, the game attempts to add replay value. However, this choice lacks significant impact beyond superficial differences in dialogue and gameplay sequences, failing to truly diversify the player experience.

Characterized by average visuals and lackluster performances from the lead actors, the game leans into a comedic tone rather than a truly terrifying atmosphere. The presence of The Dark Man adds a brief moment of tension, but the overall lack of challenge and repetitive gameplay diminishes the fear factor.

While combat in Alone in the Dark mimics modern survival-horror mechanics, it falls short in delivering engaging enemy encounters. The game's focus on puzzle-solving and exploration within Derceto mansion is where it excels, offering simple yet satisfying challenges despite their lack of complexity.

However, the game's occasional shifts to alternate monster-filled worlds lack the depth and intrigue of Derceto, contributing to a sense of repetitiveness. Moreover, the game's brevity and limited replay incentives undermine its overall value, compounded by technical glitches that may frustrate players.

While the 2024 Alone in the Dark manages to entertain with its campy narrative and exploration elements, its shortcomings become more apparent upon subsequent playthroughs. Positioned as a basic survival-horror experience, the game struggles to justify its price point and feels outdated in comparison to contemporary titles.

Alone in the Dark is set to release on March 20 for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X, offering a blend of nostalgic charm and modern gameplay elements. Game Rant received a PS5 copy for review purposes.