Why Alan Wake's Dead by Daylight Crossover Is a Big Deal for the Remedyverse

The upcoming Alan Wake crossover in Dead by Daylight has the potential to have a significant impact on Remedy's Connected Universe.
Why Alan Wake's Dead by Daylight Crossover Is a Big Deal for the Remedyverse


  • Dead by Daylight has a history of successful crossovers with major horror franchises, and the upcoming Alan Wake crossover is expected to be one of the game's best.
  • The Remedy Connected Universe, which includes games like Control and Alan Wake 2, has established a connection between these games and could potentially reference the Dead by Daylight crossover.
  • By incorporating the Dead by Daylight crossover into one of The Dark Place's loops, the Remedy Connected Universe could easily reference the game through in-game documents that mention the Entity, Killers, and specific maps.

Since its inception in October 2016, Dead by Daylight has been known for its high-profile crossovers. The game has successfully collaborated with major horror franchises such as Saw, Halloween, Alien, Child's Play, Resident Evil, and now, the upcoming Alan Wake crossover. With a history of impressive crossover DLC, the Alan Wake crossover in Dead by Daylight is highly anticipated.

Scheduled to launch on January 30, 2024, the Alan Wake crossover will introduce the titular writer as a Survivor in the Entity's Trials, armed with unique Perks that heavily rely on a flashlight. This crossover is poised to become one of the game's most successful, raising the possibility of it being referenced in Remedy's Connected Universe.

The Potential Impact on the Remedy Connected Universe

The Current State of the Remedy Connected Universe

The Remedy Connected Universe was first introduced in 2019 with the release of Control. Set in the Federal Bureau of Control, the game intertwines with Alan Wake's universe through references to an Altered World Event in Bright Falls, the town where Alan Wake's story unfolds.

Following the official confirmation of the interconnectedness of the two games, Control's AWE DLC featured a substantial appearance by Alan Wake and other characters from the franchise. The concept of a connected universe was further explored in Alan Wake 2, where the FBC played a significant role, and characters from Control made brief appearances.

Remedy's approach strikes a balance between fan-service and original storytelling, ensuring that its references contribute to the game's narrative and world-building.

Integrating Dead by Daylight into Remedy's Connected Universe

The Remedy Connected Universe has solidified its presence with Alan Wake 2, earning the opportunity to incorporate a reference to the Dead by Daylight x Alan Wake crossover. One possible integration could involve placing the crossover within one of The Dark Place's loops.

In Alan Wake 2, The Dark Place traps Alan in a never-ending loop, providing an opportunity for the game to reference a Dead by Daylight Trial within this context. This could be achieved through in-game documents that mention Dead by Daylight's Entity, Killers, and specific maps.