Alan Wake 2 Breaks Records, Still Struggles to Cover Development Costs

Remedy reveals impressive sales figures for Alan Wake 2, yet it falls short of recouping its development expenses.
Alan Wake 2 Breaks Records, Still Struggles to Cover Development Costs


  • Alan Wake 2 becomes Remedy Entertainment's fastest-selling game with 1.3 million copies sold.
  • Despite strong sales, the game has not yet covered its estimated $75 million development costs.
  • Remedy anticipates strong long-term sales for Alan Wake 2, aiming to break even by 2024.

Alan Wake 2 has set a new record as Remedy Entertainment's best-selling game, with 1.3 million copies sold. However, the game's success in sales has not translated to covering its development costs, the studio disclosed. Despite these challenges, the sales figures for Alan Wake 2 indicate a positive trajectory, suggesting that the game may reach a break-even point in the coming year.

While the first Alan Wake game gained a cult following, its sales were not substantial enough to secure immediate funding for a sequel. After years of seeking financial support, the development of Alan Wake 2 commenced in August 2019, following a partnership with Epic Games that also resulted in the release of Alan Wake Remastered two years later. Although Alan Wake Remastered did not meet sales expectations, its sequel appears to be performing significantly better.

Remedy recently announced that Alan Wake 2 achieved the milestone of selling 1 million copies by the end of 2023, with an additional 300,000 units sold in the following two months. This makes it the fastest-selling title in the studio's history, surpassing the sales of its previous flagship game, Control, by over 50% within a similar timeframe. Despite these achievements, the game has yet to break even, although Remedy assured investors that a substantial portion of its development and marketing costs have already been recovered.

Alan Wake 2 Sales Performance

  • December 31, 2023: 1 million copies sold
  • February 1, 2024: 1.3 million copies sold

The studio also disclosed that Alan Wake 2 outperformed Control in digital sales by threefold during the mentioned periods, attributing this success to the game's digital exclusivity. The decision to forgo a physical release was based on a strategy to offer a premium AAA experience at a reduced price point. Priced at $59.99 on consoles and $49.99 on PC, Alan Wake 2 aimed to provide value to players, positioning itself $10 below the standard price point of similar high-budget games. With continued strong sales expected throughout the year, Remedy projects that the game will achieve financial parity in 2024.

In late 2023, reports indicated that the budget for Alan Wake 2 was approximately $75 million, with $21.5 million allocated to marketing, according to industry analysts. The sales of 1.3 million units generated an estimated revenue of around $60 million after accounting for platform fees. Despite these figures, it is evident that the game has not yet recuperated its development expenses, highlighting the escalating costs of AAA game production in recent years. Previous statements from Remedy suggested that Epic Games Publishing would claim all revenue from the game until it breaks even, after which a revenue-sharing model would be implemented.

Forecast: Alan Wake 2 Break-Even in 2024

While many Epic Games Store exclusives eventually expand to other platforms, the direct funding of Alan Wake 2 by Epic Games raises questions about its future availability on platforms like Steam. Following the sales update for Alan Wake 2, Remedy's stock experienced a decline of over seven points, reaching €17 on February 16. Just a month earlier, the company's shares were trading above €25, marking a significant decrease from their peak during the pandemic in 2021.

Source: Helsingin Sanomat (Finnish)